Welcome toThe Empire Quilters Guild Of Manhattan
A Message from our President
Greetings Fellow Quilters,
Thank you for taking your time to learn about our guild. Empire Quilters is a guild that welcomes everyone whether they are new to quilting or seasoned quilters. We all enjoy both the art of quilting as well as sharing our skills with one another.
We welcome visitors and new members to our guild and if you are interested, we encourage you to join us at one of our meetings. You will find where we meet as well as the times and dates right here on this page.
We have an exciting line-up of speakers for this guild year. All of our meetings will be in person with the exception of January and February 2024 both of which will be on Zoom.
Again, thank you for visiting the Empire Quilters Guild website and we look forward to seeing you at one of our meetings.
Lisa Kehrle
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2024-2025 PROGRAMS September 14, 2024William DanielsThe Art of the Reveal October 26, 2024Please note the different dateJustin StantonKeaton Quilts Shop
November 9, 2024Vickeidy PatternsModern Quilt Patterns
December 14, 2024 Members Teaching MembersHoliday Party and Raffle
January 11, 2025Please note this is a zoom meetingJenny BowkerTent Makers of Cairo
February 8, 2025Please note this is a zoom meetingKathy DoughtyApplique March 8, 2025Charity Day
April 12, 2025Sylvia HernandezQuilting Techniques May 10, 2025Brita Nelson June 14, 2025Marilyn GipsonIce Dyeing
EMPIRE QUILTERS meet atHoly Apostles Church9th Ave. & 28th St. Doors Open at 11amMeeting begins at 1pm MARCH MEETINGS GUILD MEETINGSaturday, March 8th Please note that this is an in person meeting.Charity Coach & Chatbegins at 11pm Charity Day Meetingbegins at 1pmPlease check the March Newsletter for all the information about this meeting. Show & Tell Block of the MonthThe Shutter Block Fabric Swap Purples & Geometrics* * * EMPIRE ZOOM CHATWednesday, March 26th1:00pm to 3:00pmZoom Invitations sent prior to chat* * * Fabric Swaps Month: Color & PatternSept: Greens & StripesOct: Oranges & African PrintsNov: Reds & BatiksDec: Pinks & StarsJan: No In-person MeetingFeb: No In-person MeetingMar: Purples & GeometricsApr: Aqua/Turq/Teal & FlowersMay: Yellows & Black and WhiteJune: Blues & Animals* * * For further information and/or to contact the guild please click on the "Contact Us" link at the top of the page.* * *Empire MembersRemember to renew your membership. Information in the Newsletter.* * * |