2010 - 2011 Events & Meetings Archives
The following guild-sponsored events took place during the 2010–2010 guild season. For information on upcoming guild events, see the Calendar Page, and to see the projects that members shared at meetings, visit to the Show & Tellpage.
View the activities of a specific Month:
June 2011
JUNE PROGRAM: Global Textile Influences
Saturday, June 11, 2011, 1:00 pm
Speaker: Lisa Shepard Stewart
Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.),
David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor
27th Street & 8th Avenue
New York City [ Map ]
Cost: Free for guild members.
Guest Fee: $10.00.
Plan to come early to get a good seat! Lisa Shepard Stewart is a dynamo, and is a very popular artist / speaker / author / teacher! She is the creative force behind Cultured Expressions and is an award-winning author and designer specializing in the use of African fabrics and world crafting techniques for decorating, sewing, crafts & quilting.
In her how-to project books, African Accents, Global Expressions, and On The Go!, Lisa encourages others to express their creativity through culturally relevant techniques and materials. Through her company she offers her books, kits, imported fabrics and embellishments, lectures, workshops, projects and more. She also organizes retreats and special events internationally, combining crafting with her love for travel.
At this meeting, Lisa will present a fabulous trunk show exploring a variety of fabric techniques from around the world, the cultures that created them, and how to incorporate them into quilting and home decor projects. Explore block printing from India, sadza batik from Zimbabwe, Italian trapunto and many others. Based in part on Lisa's books Global Expressions, African Accents and On the Go!
For more information about Lisa, and about Cultured Expressions, visit the award-winning website: www.culturedexpressions.com.
We had several special guests at the June meeting. They each described some exciting projects:
Ronnie Schwartz (RSchwartz@nyodn.org), Memory Quilt Coordinator, New York Organ Donor Network, 460 West 34th St., 15th Fl., New York, NY 10001-2320, DonateLifeNY.org.
Subject: We have donor families make a square in honor of their loved one and then they ultimately become a quilt when we get 20 squares. We use several quilters and have a guild that has done several of our quilts for us. Ronnie acquainted our membes with the project and asked for individuals to help make finished quilts.
Vicki Sylvain Vicki.Sylvain@1199funds.org and her colleague Alda Witherspoon ( of Witherspoon Institute), Coordinator, 1199 SEIU/Employer Child Care Corporation Youth Mentoring Program, 330 W. 42nd Street New York, NY 10036.
Subject: The Youth Mentoring Program is offered through 1199SEIU Child Care Corporation. They are considering participating in the Raise Your Hand for Haiti Campaign which involves creating a quilt to raise awareness and funds for the children of Haiti. Approximately 500 students participate in this work program at 24 different hospitals and nursing homes throughout the Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx. We will have the participants (ages 15-17) create the patches (12"X12") but we need a group with quilting experience to put the quilts together. Each quilt will be about 5'X6'.
Meg Cox (with guild member Victoria Findlay Wolfe), Alliance for American Quilts
Subject: Spoke briefly about the three events happening August 5–6, 2011 associated with the Alliance for American quilts here in NYC. Their announcement was to bring awareness to all quilters that the events are taking place. Visit the website listed above for complete information.
June 2011 Block of the Month: Hedge and Flowers
This simple Hedge and Flowers block is the perfect place to use that beautiful floral you have in your stash. Choose a green leafy print (or any green that you like with your floral) for the hedge. This is a simple 5-minute block, so if you don't have much time, this is perfect for you!
— Karen Griska for the Empire Quilters BOM Squad.
Empire Quilters BOM Squad:
Karen Griska, Chair. Email: bom@empirequilters.net
Helen Beall, Lisa Belle, Shirley Clark, Lisa Kehrle.
JUNE SPECIAL EVENT: Members' Flea Market
We had the ever-popular Members' Flea Market this month. Members purchase table space and sell their treasures. This event traditionally takes place once or twice a season.
Elm Creek Quilt Blocks
- June Focus Group Meeting Date: Sat, June 11, 2011
- Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm
- Group Leaders: Lisa Belle and Lisa Kehrle
- Location: Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.), David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor, 27th Street & 8th Avenue,
New York City - Open To: All guild members.
This exciting focus group began during the 2009–2010 guild season and was so popular that it continued through the 2010–2011 season. Group members gathered at noon before the monthly meetings to "show and tell" Elm Creek Blocks. Each month the group makes a different block from one of the books inspired by Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilts series. You don't need to have all three books to join this group. There is often overlap in the patterns.
NOTE that this group will continue in the 2011–2012 guild season. Watch the guild newsletter for specifics.
The patterns come from the following books:
- Elm Creek Quilts: Quilt Projects Inspired by the Elm Creek Quilts Novels by Jennifer Chiaverini and Nancy Odom (C&T Publishing, Inc. 2002) "ECQ".
- Sylvia's Bridal Sampler from Elm Creek Quilts by Jennifer Chiaverini (C&T Publishing, Inc, 2009) "SBS".
- More Elm Creek Quilts: 30+ Traditional Blocks, 11 Projects, Favorite Character Sketches by Jennifer Chiaverini (C&T Publishing, 2008) "MECQ".
Here is what the group worked on during this season:
The Blocks for the Elm Creek Focus Group: 2010–2011
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Friendship Star |
September 2010: The 6-inch block is Friendship Star (pictured right) found on page 34 of the Sylvia's Bridal Sampler ("SBS") book. The 12-inch block version of the Friendship Star block is found on page 55 of the original Elm Creek Quilts ("ECQ") book.
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Wedding Ring | Kansas Troubles |
October, 2010: 6-inch block: Wedding Ring found on page 75 of the SBS book. The 12-inch block Wedding Ring can be found on page 57 of the ECQ book. Additional (optional) blocks: 6-inch Kansas Troubles found on page 42 of SBS. Note that this is not in the ECQ book, so a pattern will be provided at the September meeting.
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Bear's Paw | Birds in the Air |
November, 2010: 6-inch block: Bear's Paw found on page 18 of the SBS book. The 12-inch block Bear's Paw can be foun on page 54 of the ECQ book. Additional (optional) blocks: 6-inch Birds in the Air on page 19 of the SBS book. The Birds in the Air block pattern in the ECQ book (pages 72–73) is also for a 6-inch finished block, so a pattern for a 12-inch version will be provided to focus group participants.
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King's Star | Carpenter's Wheel | Grape Basket |
December, 2010: 6-inch block: King's Star found on page 44 of the SBS book. The 12-inch block Carpenter's Wheel can be found on page 56 of the ECQ book. Additional (optional) blocks: 6-inch Grape Basket on page 37 of the SBS book. A pattern for a 12-inch version of the Grape Basket will be provided to focus group participants.
January 2011: 6-inch block: Indiana Rose found on page 39 of Sylvia's Bridal Sampler ("SBS"). The additional (optional) block is Hunter's Star, also on page 39. For the 12-inch blocks, we will use the More Elm Creek book.
The 12 inch blocks will be from the New Year's Reflections quilt starting on page 80. Please make the Mother's Favorite block with the Peace & Plenty center. The alternate block will be the Mother's Favorite block with a Pinwheel center. The centers are found on page 81 of MEC, the Mother's Favorite is on page 84.
January 6-inch blocks: | January 12-inch blocks: | |||
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Indiana Rose | Hunter's Star | Peace and Plenty | Pinwheel |
February 2011: 6-inch block: Laurel Wreath, found on page 46 of SBS. The optional block is Mother's Delight, on page 51.
The 12 inch blocks will be the Mother's Favorite block with the Good Fortune center. The alternate block will be the Mother's Favorite block with a Bright Hopes center. The centers are found on page 81 of MEC, the Mother's Favorite is on page 84.
February 6-inch blocks: | February 12-inch blocks: | |||
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Laurel Wreath | Mother's Delight | Good Fortune | Bright Hopes |
March 2011: 6-inch block: Jacob's Ladder, found on page 41 of Sylvia's Bridal Sampler ("SBS"). The additional (optional) block is Rosebud, on page 64.
The 12 inch blocks will be the Mother's Favorite block with the Wandering Foot center. The alternate block will be the Mother's Favorite block with a Memory Chain center. The centers are found on page 82 of MEC, the Mother's Favorite is on page 84.
March 6-inch blocks: | March 12-inch blocks: | |||
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Jacob's Ladder | Rosebud | Wandering Foot | Memory Chain |
April 2011: 6-inch block: New York Beauty, found on page 52 of SBS. The additional (optional) block is Glorified Nine Patch, on page 35.
The 12 inch blocks will be the Mother's Favorite block with the True Lover's Knot center. The alternate block will be the Mother's Favorite block with a Year's Favorite center. The centers are found on page 82-83 of MEC, the Mother's Favorite is on page 84.
April 6-inch blocks: | April 12-inch blocks: | |||
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New York Beauty | Glorified Nine Patch | True Lover's Knot | Year's Favorite |
May 2011: 6-inch block: Orange Peel, found on page 57 of SBS. The additional (optional) block is Kaleidoscope, on page 41.
The 12 inch blocks will be the Mother's Favorite block with the Orange Peel center. The alternate block will be the Mother's Favorite block with a Four Patch center. The centers are found on page 83 of MEC, the Mother's Favorite is on page 84.
May 6-inch blocks: | May 12-inch blocks: | |||
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Orange Peel | Kaleidoscope | Orange Peel | Four Patch |
June: 6-inch block: Stamp Basket, found on page 70 of SBS. The additional (optional) block is Pinwheel 2, on page 58.
The 12 inch blocks will be the Mother's Favorite block with the Hatchet center. The alternate block will be the Mother's Favorite block with a Resolution Square center. The centers are found on page 83-84 of MEC, the Mother's Favorite is on page 84.
June 6-inch blocks: | June 12-inch blocks: | |||
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Stamp Basket | Pinwheel 2 | Hatchet | Resolution Square |
May 2011
MAY PROGRAM: Is It a Painting or What?
Saturday, May 14, 2011, 1:00 pm
Speaker: B.J. Adams
Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.),
David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor
27th Street & 8th Avenue
New York City
Cost: Free for guild members.
Guest Fee: $10.00.
B.J. Adam's artistic life began with painting and drawing. She also always designed and made her own clothes. These two pursuits found a common end with fiber art. B.J. reports: When I discovered fabric and thread as a medium, a whole new textural world opened and ideas poured forth. The sewing machine has become my brush and pencil; hundreds of colors of thread have become paint for realistic and abstract images set on various backgrounds.
We are honored to have B.J. visit our guild and talk about her art and share her artistic process with us. Her artwork began with representation, developed into abstraction, and now goes back and forth between the two, sometimes combining elements of both, as well as surrealism, in the same work. She aims at presenting the viewer with a surprise — an out of context image, size, or viewpoint.
B.J.'s work has appeared in many publications, and can be found in many public buildings ranging in location from Chicago, to Atlanta, and Washington, D.C. to Birmingham, Alabama.
B.J. Adams will be conducting a day-long workshop on Sunday, May 15, 2011. See below for more information.
For more information about B.J. Adams and her work, visit her website: www.bjadamsart.com
May 2011 Block of the Month: Red and White
For May let's make a red and white block, ANY PATTERN! Your block could be pieced, appliquéd, or both. Whatever your heart desires. Just use red and white. (The reds and whites will differ a little from block to block, but this will add an antique style charm.) Make it 8½" square. Finished size in the quilt will be 8" square.
Wasn't the "Infinite Variety" exhibit at the Armory wonderful? I feel a series of red and whites coming on! I just stocked up on turkey red thread in anticipation. See you at the May meeting. I can't wait to see your blocks.
- Karen Griska for the Empire Quilters BOM Squad.
Congratulations to our Block of the Month winner! What a wonderful variety of blocks.
Empire Quilters BOM Squad:
Karen Griska, Chair. Email: bom@empirequilters.net
Helen Beall, Lisa Belle, Shirley Clark, Lisa Kehrle.
MAY [one-session] FOCUS GROUP: Sewing Machine Clinic
- Date: May 14, 2011
- Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am
- Group Leader: Janet Randolph
- Location: Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.),
- David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor,
- 27th Street & 8th Avenue, New York City
- Open To: All guild members.
Get to know your sewing machine! We will review quality stitching, ¼" seam stitches, using a twin needle, decorative stitches, finding correct tension, and first aid for machine problems.
Supply List: Bring paper and pen for notes.
Please note … Sewing machines are NOT required for this focus group. This is a demonstration/lecture and discussion only.
MAY [ongoing] FOCUS GROUP:
Elm Creek Quilt Blocks
- May Focus Group Meeting Date: Sat, May 14, 2011
- Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm
- Group Leaders: Lisa Belle and Lisa Kehrle
- Location: Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.), David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor, 27th Street & 8th Avenue,
New York City - Open To: All guild members.
This exciting focus group began during the 2009–2010 guild season and was so popular that it is being continued for the 2010–2011 season. Group members gather at noon before the monthly meetings to "show and tell" Elm Creek Blocks. Each month the group makes a different block from one of the books inspired by Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilts series. You don't need to have all three books to join this group. There is often overlap in the patterns.
SPECIAL MEETING FEATURE: Asian/Japanese Fabric Raffle
We had a Special Fabric Raffle at the May meeting. Tickets were sold at the April and May guild meetings. First prize was 13 pieces of Asian/Japanese fabric totaling 17 yards, and second prize was an Asian tote bag made by Janet Randolph. Tickets were $1.00 each, or 6 for $5.00.
Wendy O'Flaherty was the winner of the bundle of fabric and Karen Monath went home with the lovely bag. Congratulations to both, and thank you to everyone who contributed fabric and purchased tickets.
Shading with Thread: A Free Motion Machine Embroidery Workshop
Date: Sunday, May 15, 2011
Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Instructor: B.J. Adams
Location: 343 8th Avenue, at 27th Street
New York City
Cost: $60.00
Sign up: To reserve your place in this workshop, send a check made out to Empire Quilters to Mary Butler. Contact info@empirequilters.net if you need Mary's address.
The achievement of subtle changes in shading requires an understanding of thread colors and the way they interact. In this free-motion machine embroidery workshop led by B.J. Adams, participants will work with a variety of thread colors to obtain these combinations of desired shading. Light and shadows give shapes, form and depth in your artwork, the mist or haze in a landscape or sky can give way to explosive vibrancy at sunset, soft or hard edges of images, and rough or smooth textures can all be developed with the layering of thread colors. We will spend time working with blending thread colors to develop the gradations you need to give that subtle shading effect.
- A sewing machine with the ability to drop the feed dog and a darning foot.
- Appropriate needles for your machine. I prefer size 14 top stitch needles.
- Scissors for thread clipping.
- Thread: size 50 or 60 sewing machine threads. While I feel I never have enough thread colors, blending what I have on hand is the essence to shading, so don't plan to buy a lot of thread unless you need it. Choose one or two colors ranging, from very light to very dark. Include the grayed shades of your color choices, as well. While thread mixing and shading, several textures will be developed giving you a variety of experiments and samples for future images.
There are two ways for you to work with fabric.
- Use a hoop that fits under the foot of the machine, preferably a wood one with a screw to tighten the outer ring. Wrap the inner ring with strips of cotton. For working with a hoop bring plain white cotton fabric that isn't too light in weight … muslin or something heavier will be fine.
- If you have no hoop or prefer to work without one, bring heavy artist canvas or something similar, a yard is more than enough of any fabric you choose.
For more information about B.J. Adams visit her website: www.bjadamsart.com
April 2011
APRIL 2011 PROGRAM: Double Exposure: Shared Experiences … Differing Views
Saturday, April 9, 2011, 1:00 pm
Speakers: Roberta Horton and Mary Mashuta
Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.),
David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor
27th Street & 8th Avenue
New York City
Cost: Free for guild members.
Guest Fee: $10.00.
Sisters Roberta Horton and Mary Mashuta share a love of quiltmaking, fabric, and color. They also share common genes. Their shared visions are filtered through different minds and expressed by different hands. Hear how these sisters share a home (with two quiltmaking studios, of course) and manage to produce quilts that express their own perspective and talent.
Both Roberta and Mary are prolific quiltmakers, designers and authors. For more information about Roberta Horton visit: www.robertahorton.com
and for more information about Mary Mashuta visit www.marymashuta.com. You will find samples of their work, and lists of their many popular publications on their websites. We are delighted to have both of these talented and engaging artists with us in New York City!
Roberta and Mary will each be conducting a workshop on Sunday, April 10, 2011 Details are available below.
April 2011 Block of the Month: House Blocks
Design your own house block. Here are some examples. Let's "tie them all together" by including something RED. Anything goes: prints, solids, novelty prints, batiks, anything. 12" x 12" blocks will be a good size (11 1/2" square in the finished quilt), but if you want to make a multi-story building, yours could be 12" wide x 24" tall … or 36" tall. You might want to add embellishments, appliances, a car in the driveway, a bird on the roof, flower boxes at the windows, ivy on the walls …
Build using your imagination!
— Karen Griska for the Empire Quilters BOM Squad.
Find complete, easy-to-follow instructions for this block on the Empire BOM Blog: www.empirebom.blogspot.com
Empire Quilters BOM Squad:
Karen Griska, Chair. Email: bom@empirequilters.net
Helen Beall, Lisa Belle, Shirley Clark, Lisa Kehrle.
APRIL [one-session] FOCUS GROUP: The Good, The Bad and The Useless
- Date: Saturday, April 9, 2011
- Time: 10:30–11:30 am
- Group Leader: Marcia Schulman
- Location: Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.),
David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor,
27th Street & 8th Avenue, New York City - Open To: All guild members.
A round table discussion. Members are invited to bring a quiting/sewing tool or notion that fits a category in the program title: Good, Bad or Useless. Learn what items receive a thumbs up from quilters, and what deserves a definite thumbs down. Share your experiences and learn from others!
Supply List: Bring paper and pen to take notes.
Elm Creek Quilt Blocks
- April Focus Group Meeting Date: Sat, Apr 09, 2011
- Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm
- Group Leaders: Lisa Belle and Lisa Kehrle
- Location: Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.), David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor, 27th Street & 8th Avenue,
New York City - Open To: All guild members.
This exciting focus group began during the 2009–2010 guild season and was so popular that it is being continued for the 2010–2011 season. Group members gather at noon before the monthly meetings to "show and tell" Elm Creek Blocks. Each month the group makes a different block from one of the books inspired by Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilts series. You don't need to have all three books to join this group. There is often overlap in the patterns.
APRIL WORKSHOPS: Choice of Two Workshops:
Date: Sunday, April 10, 2011
Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: 343 8th Avenue, at 27th Street, New York City
Workshop Choices:
1: | Amish Color in Quilts | — OR — | 2: | Foolproof Machine Quilting |
with Roberta Horton | with Mary Mashuta | |||
Cost: $60.00 | Cost: $60.00 |
Sign up: To reserve your place in either workshop, send a check made out to Empire Quilters to Mary Butler. Contact info@empirequilters.net if you need Mary's address.
Choice 1: Amish Color in Quilts with Roberta Horton
Date: Sunday, April 10, 2011
Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: 343 8th Avenue, at 27th Street,
New York City
Cost: $60.00
Do you feel uncomfortable when it comes time to make color choices? Gain color confidence by studying the Amish use of color. No need to attend art school as the answers are available right in this part of our quiltmaking tradition. You will have a hands-on experience working with both the Pennsylvania and Midwestern palettes, each with its own rules and restrictions.
Supplies Needed:
- Fabric: 1/4 yard pieces (can be larger):all solids:
- greens, including yellow-greens
- blue and blue-greens, such as turquoise and teal
- purples and magenta
- reds (pink to maroon)
- orange and yellow
- blacks, browns, rust, and navy
- (check backsides of some of your prints)
all values:- lights: both clear, pale and grayed examples
- mediums: brights and dull darks
- rotary cutter, mat, quilter's ruler
- plain white paper: 2 pieces 8½ x 11"
- plain white paper: several large sheets
- 2 glue sticks
- Suggested book: Amish Adventure by Roberta Horton
For more information about Roberta Horton visit: www.robertahorton.com
Choice 2: Foolproof Machine Quilting
with Mary Mashuta
Date:Sunday, April 10, 2011
Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: 343 8th Avenue, at 27th Street,
New York City
Cost: $60.00
Be more creative with the walking foot than just stitching in the ditch. Create your own designs for blocks and borders by paper folding simple shapes. Mary will teach her no-marking method to stitch designs with heavy threads, and participants will also learn to add decorative stitching to their work. This class will have an emphasis on handling stripes.
For more information about Mary Mashuta visit: www.marymashuta.com
Workshop Supplies:
- Before coming to class sew a 9-Patch block from five 4-inch squares color A and four 4-inch squares color B. Press all seams open.
- 1/2 yard plain or lightly patterned fabric
- 1/2 yard backing fabric
- 1/2 yard batting (Prefer Dream Cotton Request. Second choice Harriet Hargrave's Heirloom or Warm and Natural. THESE ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT WILL WORK WITH THE THREADS SUGGESTED.)
Supplies for Class:
- Needles: Top Stitching #100/16 for heavier threads suggested.
- Threads: Good quality regular weight cotton for bobbin Heavier (THESE ARE ONLY ONES THAT WILL WORK ON THE TOP OF THE MACHINE WITH BATTINGS LISTED): Aurifil Mako 12 or YLI Jeans Stitch (web sites listed at end of supply list) I will have some "loaner" spools.
- Pins, prefer flower head pins if have.
- Paper cutting scissors.
- Sharp pencil.
- 8 pieces computer/typing paper.
- Medium size rotary cutting ruler and small mat or ruler and fabric scissors.
- Freezer paper or Contact shelf paper (solid color like yellow).
- 3/4" or 1" painter's tape or masking tape.
- Safety pins for basting (#1 = 1 1/8").
- Sewing machine with walking foot in good working order (this means cleaned and oiled!!) If you're using a generic foot, make sure you try it out before class.
- Zig zag throat plate. Single stitch throat plate, if you have.
- Hands free mechanism (knee lift) if your machine has.
- Quilt top for discussion, optional.
- FOOLPROOF MACHINE QUILTING by Mary Mashuta strongly recommended
Websites for thread: There are many threads on these sites so you must be diligent in searching for the correct threads. These are both heavy threads that will really show. One spool lasts a long time as not much thread is needed for each design.
Select solid colors rather than variegated.
- Aurifil Mako 12 thread (30 weight Italian cotton) allthatthread.com has many colors
- YLI Jeans Stitch (30 weight polyester thread) threadandmore.com has many colors
Roberta Horton and Mary Mashuta will be the featured speakers at our monthly guild meeting on Saturday, April 9, 2011. See above for details.
March 2011
2011 Urban Inspirations Quilt Show
A highlight of this season was our biennial quilt show which took place March 26–27, 2011. For complete information about the show, visit the 2011 Show page.
MARCH 2011 MEETING: Charity Work Day & Quilt Show Judging Day
Saturday, March 5, 2011, all day
Note this is the FIRST Saturday of the month
Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.),
David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor
27th Street & 8th Avenue
New York City
Cost: Free for guild members.
Guest Fee: No guest fee this month. Please join us!
It's time for our annual Charity Quilting Day! Throughout the day we will be putting our efforts into making as many quilts as possible for the charities that the guild supports. The activities go on all day — beginning at approximately 10:00 am. Please come as early as you can.
Don't miss this opportunity to participate in one of the main activities of the Empire Quilters. You will learn, laugh and get to know your fellow guild members at this once-a-year activity. One of the quilts we made last year is pictured here, and you can see more of the quilts on the 2010 Charity Quilts page.
Bring your ideas, sewing machine (if you can), sewing supplies, fabric, quilt tops, quilt backings, and needles and yarn for tying. We can also use some large cutting mats and sharp rotary cutters. But most importantly — bring yourself! There are plenty of experienced quilters on hand who are able and willing to show everyone how to participate. Bring quilt tops you have for charity quilts. The charity committee saves large pieces of fabric from the scrap table, so we will do our best to match your quilt top with a quilt back. If you have fabric that you would like to donate for charity, please bring it with you. The more we have, the nicer the quilts will be.
If you want some ideas of how to make some easy charity projects, visit the Service page. The Service Page has quilt patterns, stuffed animal patterns, and some general guidelines for you to follow. There are also some easy quilt assembly suggestions.
Don't forget … The judging of show quilts for the upcoming 2011 Urban Inspirations Quilt Show will also happen at this meeting. If you are submitting a quilt for the show that you wish to have judged (considered for a ribbon or award), you must deliver your quilt(s) to at F.I.T. between 7:30 and 9:30 am.
Elm Creek Quilt Blocks
- March Focus Group Meeting Date: Sat, Mar 05, 2011
- Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm
- Group Leaders: Lisa Belle and Lisa Kehrle
- Location: Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.), David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor, 27th Street & 8th Avenue,
New York City [ Map ] - Open To: All guild members.
This exciting focus group began during the 2009–2010 guild season and was so popular that it is being continued for the 2010–2011 season. Group members gather at noon before the monthly meetings to "show and tell" Elm Creek Blocks. Each month the group makes a different block from one of the books inspired by Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilts series. You don't need to have all three books to join this group. There is often overlap in the patterns.
February 2011
Presentation by visiting guest Jan Krentz
Saturday, February 12, 2011, 1:00 pm
Presenters: Guild Members
Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.),
David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor
27th Street & 8th Avenue
New York City
Cost: Free for guild members.
Guest Fee: $10.00.
We are delighted to announce that celebrated artist, author, designer and teacher Jan Krentz is planning to "drop by" our meeting and do a mini (as in short, sweet, and fast!) trunk show! Jan is in the area and has agreed to share some of her fabulous (and famous!) works with us.
Jan Krentz is the author of Lone Star Quilts & Beyond, Hunter Star Quilts & Beyond, Diamond Quilts and Beyond, Quick Star Quilts & Beyond, and Quick Diamond Quilts. She holds the honor of being The Professional Quilter's 1998 Teacher of the Year, and is consistently nominated year after year for that award. She has had numerous appearances on television, online, and has been the featured quilter in many prestigious quilt shows.
To learn more about Jan, and to see many examples of her stunning work, we encourage you to explore her website: www.jankrentz.com
FEBRUARY 2011 PROGRAM: Members Teaching Members — Selection of Focus Groups
Immediately following the presentation by special guest Jan Krentz, we will begin one of our most popular activities — Members Teaching Members! We will split up into groups and each of us will have the opportunity to learn a new skill.
Our guild is full of talented, experienced, and generous members who are always willing to share their tips and techniques with their fellow guild members.
The following exciting workshops will be offered — and members get to choose which workshop to attend!
Sweatshirt Jacket —Naomi Shelnut, instructor. Naomi will be demonstrating how to make a gorgeous jacket out of a basic sweatshirt. This will be a demonstration and you will need to bring your own sweatshirt and fabrics!
Based on the hats and outfits Naomi creates for the monthly ticket selling, this class will undoubtedly be an exercise in whimsy leading to a spectacular result.
SUPPLY LIST (for members to bring to the workshop):
- One over-sized fleece sweatshirt preferably an extra-large man's sweatshirt (color of your choice)
- Fabric strips (2" – 2½" wide), preferably three to five different colors (prints mixed with solids, etc.)
- Thread (neutral color, i.e., greay, beige, tan)
- Scissors and straight pins
› Print this Information & Supply List (PDF) ‹
Embroidered quilt labels — designing and creating an embroidered label for your quilt. Renee Fields, instructor. Renee will demonstrate how to make a beautiful embroidered label for your quilts. This would be a great class to work on the final piece of your masterpiece for our show! Learn how to design and embroider that one last detail to add to your quilt.
- 6" embroidery hoop
- 8" square solid fabric ironed onto a piece of freezer paper
- soft pencil, chalk, or disappearing ink pen
- embroidery needle(s)
- embroidery thread — we will have extra, and you can share with others in the class
- assorted embellishments: beads, buttons, ribbon thread, lace …
› Print this Information & Supply List (PDF) ‹
Traditional hand appliqué — Tina Barth, instructor. Learn how to make sharp points and lovely rounded curves without using fusing! Tina has been quilting for over 25 years and always has a fun way to do things. There is a class limit of 25 for this class, so be sure to sign up early.
- The instructor will be supplying kits for the the first 25 people to sign up. Everyone should bring small scissors, extra straight pins, and needle threaders.
› Print this Information & Supply List (PDF) ‹
Art Quilting — Sandra Samaniego, instructor. Participants will create 3D embellishments including fabric beads and fabric bundles. Sandra will talk briefly about art quilts in general and show a few that she has made that have a lot of embellishments. She will answer questions on her work and inspiration and will provide instructions on how to make the beads and bundles as well as providing a list of artists/authors/blogs/websites that might be fun for the aspiring art quilter.
- All supplies will be provided. Those include fabric scraps, glue sticks, sewing needles, novelty thread.
› Print this Information & Supply List (PDF) ‹
English paper piecing — learn how to make beautiful Grandmother Flower Garden quilts. Diane Rubenstein, instructor. Did you ever wonder how our Diane Rubenstein makes those wonder hand-pieced quilts with all the pieces? In this workshop, you can find out! Diane will demonstrate how you put together a Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt and give you the techniques you need to do so. She will be providing a small kit, so it is important that you sign up early!
SUPPLY LIST (for members to bring to the workshop):
- Paper for each piece — the best paper is the cards found in magazine inserts — you can also use construction paper or some people use freezer paper (I have never tried this).
- Sharp pencils or mechanical pencil and hand sharpener if you have one. Bring a white or silver pencil if using dark fabrics.
- Paper scissor AND fabric scissor.
- Thread — use up your old wonky colors for basting (this can be polyester), PLUS nice neutral cotton sewing thread that will fade into your fabric selection — use a dark if mostly dark fabrics.
- A few straight pins.
- Hand sewing needles in a size that you prefer.
- Fabric — scraps of your choice if you want to coordinate
If using total scraps decide if you want each flower all the same or total scrappy. If doing total scrappy, bring a piece enough for each middle (that will remain constant) i.e. Red, Pink, or Yellow, or any color that floats your boat! Middle color looks best if solid or a blender.
Fabric can be in strips (which are what I prefer) at a minimum of 3.5" or 4" for ease of working. Scraps should be at least 4" square.
- Optional: Ultra Fine Sharpee to mark a plastic template
› Print this Information & Supply List (PDF) ‹
Felt appliqué — Pauline Hazard, instructor. Make an appliqué wool bracelet that is also a wallet — a Wristlet — from felted and recycled wool. Kits for a basic Wristlet will be provided for the first 20 members who sign up*. These kits will include pre-cut wool, embroidery thread, two buttons, and instructions. Wool scraps will be provided separately for appliqué. This workshop will include stitching and appliqué to the outer layer. Directions for completing the project will be explained and demonstrated for completion at home. This workshop will include embroidery demos on stem stitch, french knot and buttonhole stitches, as well as appliqué. Learn how recycled wool sweaters can also make beautiful and useful items. The supply list will be available at the January meeting.
SUPPLY LIST (for members to bring to the workshop):
- Scissors for fabric and fabric adhered to freezer paper
- Embroidery threads
- Embroidery needle
- Sewing needle
- Straight pins
- Beads and embellishments (Optional)
* Individuals signing up after the first 20 will be welcome in the class, but will need to bring your own felted wool, and the other sewing notions listed.
› Print this Information & Supply List (PDF) ‹
Sign up for your preferred workshop at the Membership Desk in December and January. You can also sign up by contacting Kitty Squire. You will find Kitty at the membership table during guild meeting days, or you can email Kitty at kesquilts33@msn.com. The workshops will be filled on a first-reserved basis, so submit your choice in early. Note … As the workshops fill up, people who haven't registered ahead of time will be assigned to workshops with available space.
The meeting will run a little differently to make it easier on everyone. We will have our regular Business Meeting, a mini-trunk show by visiting guest Jan Krentz, followed by Block of the Month, Show & Tell and a fundraiser. We will then open the Share Table for no longer than 30 minutes to enable our members to pick up any last minute needs for the classes. We will then break up into groups with each class being taught in one of several different areas of the floor. Once the classes are finished, the meeting is over.
Elm Creek Quilt Blocks
- February Focus Group Meeting Date: Sat, Feb 12, 2011
- Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm
- Group Leaders: Lisa Belle and Lisa Kehrle
- Location: Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.), David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor, 27th Street & 8th Avenue,
New York City - Open To: All guild members.
This exciting focus group began during the 2009–2010 guild season and was so popular that it is being continued for the 2010–2011 season. Group members gather at noon before the monthly meetings to "show and tell" Elm Creek Blocks. Each month the group makes a different block from one of the books inspired by Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilts series. You don't need to have all three books to join this group. There is often overlap in the patterns.
See the Show & Tell page to see some pictures of this month's participants.
February 2011 Block of the Month: Fashion Labels
Members have been asking to do the fashion labels blocks again, so here it is, but a little different this time. The foundation blocks are 8" square made from solid cottons in taupe, ivory, tan, brown, gray, any neutral. Arrange your labels using a glue stick to hold them in place. Machine applique (folding under any raw edges). Add yoyos and buttons if you like. They fill in the holes.
Hint: Coats have nice big labels. Neckties have good ones too. Use a seam ripper to remove labels without damaging the garment.
— Karen Griska for the Empire Quilters BOM Squad.
Congratulations to guild member Lisa Kehrle for winning the blocks this month!
Empire Quilters BOM Squad:
Karen Griska, Chair. Email: bom@empirequilters.net
Helen Beall, Lisa Belle, Shirley Clark, Lisa Kehrle.
January 2011
JANUARY PROGRAM: Special Guest Speaker: Gloria Hansen
Saturday, January 8, 2011, 1:00 pm
Great Hall Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.)
Enter through D Building Lobby
27th Street & Seventh Ave.
New York City
Cost: Free for guild members.
Guest Fee: $10.00.
We are delighted to welcome the multi-award winning quilter, author, and web expert Gloria Hansen to our January meeting! Gloria has translated her love of working with the computer to designing and creating award winning quilts. We've seen her pieces at New Jersey Fest, Paducah and Lancster. She takes color and spins it to create exciting, interconnected spirals, circles and diagonals. She will let us into the secrets of manipulating fabric, color and computer use for quilts that stun the eye and inspire the imagination.
Gloria will begin her presentation by talking about The Art of Being an Artist — an overview of where she creates her work, the history of her traditional roots, the journey to her digital roots, and where she gets inspiration. Then, she will explain the difference between resampling and resizing a digital image. By the end of the presentation you'll know exactly how to resize an image to a quilt show's requirements and exactly how large or small you can print your images.
As the author of many publications, Gloria Hansen is well-known for her ability to clearly explain the information that at times confounds us and makes our heads spin (resolution, pixels, dimensions, digital, web, digital-editing and more!). Her latest publication Digital Essentials is the go-to book for answers to questions about all-things digital for quilters.
This is a not-to-be missed opportunity to hear this gracious expert share her techniques, tips and love of the art.
For more information about Gloria Hansen please visit her websites:
- www.gloriahansen.com — Works by Gloria
- www.gloriahansen.com/weblog — Gloria's informative and fun blog.
- www.gloderworks.com — The web design and service company co-founded by Gloria Hansen
JANUARY [one-session] FOCUS GROUP: Doll Party
- Date: Saturday, January 8, 2011
- Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am
- Hosted by: Pauline and Paulette Myers
- Location:
Great Hall
Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.)
Enter through D Building Lobby
27th Street & Seventh Ave.
New York City - Open To: All guild members.
You are invited to bring your favorite doll (self-made or purchased) to our Doll Party. Begin the New Year with other Empire Quilters doll lovers and share stories at this festive party celebrating the start of the New Year.
Supply List: Bring your favorite doll!
Post-Meeting Update! … This focus group was a very fun success! Many members attended and showed off their favorite (adorable!) dolls. You can See Pictures Here.
Elm Creek Quilt Blocks
- January Focus Group Meeting Date: Sat, Jan 08, 2011
- Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm
- Group Leaders: Lisa Belle and Lisa Kehrle
- Location:
NOTE SPECIAL LOCATION for this month only:
Great Hall
Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.)
28th Street & Seventh Ave.
New York City - Open To: All guild members.
This exciting focus group began during the 2009–2010 guild season and was so popular that it is being continued for the 2010–2011 season. Group members gather at noon before the monthly meetings to "show and tell" Elm Creek Blocks. Each month the group makes a different block from one of the books inspired by Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilts series. You don't need to have all three books to join this group. There is often overlap in the patterns.
JANUARY 2011 Block of the Month: Design Your Own Flag
Have you ever felt a little disappointed that Betsy Ross got to design the flag instead of you? When you view a display of flags of the world, do you see ways they could be tweaked to good advantage? Me too! Well here's our chance. I made a few flags to be sure that this block would meet the tests for an Empire BOM: must be fun, pretty, and result in a truly butt-kickin' quilt. Check, check, and check!
Look at some flags and look at your stash. Then create a flag that measures 12" tall by 15" wide. (In the finished quilt, each flag will measure 11½" x 14½.")
— Karen Griska for the Empire Quilters BOM Squad
Empire BOM Blog: www.empirebom.blogspot.com
Empire Quilters BOM Squad: Karen Griska Chair: bom@empirequilters.net
Committee Members: Helen Beall, Lisa Belle, Shirley Clark, Lisa Kehrle.
December 2010
DECEMBER 2010 MEETING DAY: Auction — Come One, Come All!
Saturday, December 11, 2010, 1:00 pm
Auctioneer: John McCall
Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.),
David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor
27th Street & 8th Avenue
New York City
Cost: Free for guild members.
Guest Fee: No guest fee this month! Please join us for this fun fundraising auction and holiday charity gift gathering.
Our December meeting is traditionally a combination holiday party, holiday charity endeavor, and a fundraising event. This year our featured activity is going to be something extra special! Back at Empire Quilters by overwhelming popular demand — Auctioneer John McCall will lead us in a fundraising auction to help with our upcoming 2011 Urban Inspirations quilt show expenses.
We are accepting donations for auction items and are asking for generous support from our members and friends. We will take quilting-related items as well as gift certificates for professional services, personal services, restaurant meals, theater tickets — we will welcome all donations (in good condition). We're looking for everything from Broadway show tickets to manicures. Items at previous auctions included fabric, books, instructional videos, jewelry, plants and quilts!
We will also be having a table with smaller items (see the decription of the President's Table below), so don't thing you have to donate something huge — as long as the items are in good shape, we will find a way to make money on them to help support our worthy causes.
If you have items to contribute to the auction, please contact Larry Gifford (lawgifford@me.com) or Kitty Squire (kesquilts33@msn.com). To help things run smoothly, we request that you fill out a Donation Form for the item(s) you are contributing to the auction. The forms will be available at the Membership Table in October and November.
Latest Message from the Auction Committee: Posted: Nov 20, 2010 – It is not too late to contribute a donation to the auction. You can donate a service, bake a cake for a later date, donate a massage, or teach a quilting skill. One year, I bought Pamela Leonard Wexler's donation of hand quilting a quilt. Lots of talent in this Guild! You can get a donation from one of your favorite neighborhood stores; a restaurant, gym, nail saloon, etc. One of your friends might be a lawyer, baker, etc. A lawyer that would donate making a will is a big dollar draw. This is besides the amazing donations that can be generated from your talents. — Kitty Squire
Live Auction Rules — When you arrive at the meeting, sign in and receive a paddle with your special number. Purchases from the live auction can be paid for by cash or check at the conclusion of the auction. Items are sold as is so come early and take a look at the items that will be on display for the live auction
Other fun opportunitites during the day include:
- President's Table — A table filled with treasures you supply or donations that are not going into the live auction or onto the Quick Fix board. This table is a first come, first choice cash/check and carry table. Sales will be opened before the live auction. Please bring items for the table or bring cash/checks to purchase!
- Quick Fix Board — A bulletin board filled with gift certificates at great discounts. No Bidding! No Haggling! Items include hair cuts, dry cleaning, pizza, restaurants, clothing store, etc. This is a first come, first serve table. Quick fix is paid on the spot with cash or checks (separate from the live auction). Items will start at $10.00 for a $20.00 certificate. Prices will depend on the items available, but we are guessing $15, $20 or 4/$5. Quick fix will be open before the live auction for twenty minutes.
- 50/50 Raffle — The 50/50 raffle should bring in a lot of money for a lucky winner. You can't win it unless you are in it! Bring dollar bills. Bring your friends and their dollar bills.
And there's more! …
In addition to our major auction, we will be finishing and assembling holiday items for children. We're asking for as many teddy bears and stockings as you can make. Unfortunately there are so many children in the New York City Area who will receive little — if anything — for the holidays. Please help brighten their holidays by contributing an item for a child. Every item will go to a child or family who has little else for the holidays. The children — and their parents — need the help, and we can help. The patterns are easy, and are available here for downloading (in PDF format, below).
Stockings can be decorated with batting on the top, or with holiday cookie-cutter decorations, or with ribbons. Use your imagination!
If you are uncertain about embroidering or drawing the face on the teddy bear, just bring it to the meeting, and the Service Committee will paint the face on for you. Please do not use buttons on the bears (for child safety reasons).
To download the patterns for the bear or stockings, click on a picture (right) |
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If you are unable to make stockings or bears, another option is to donate an inexpensive toy (small enough to fit into the stocking) as a stocking stuffer. The organizations that distribute these items specifically request hats, gloves, mittens, socks, combs, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, coloring books and Teddy Bears. (No food or candy items, no makeup or perfume please.) Please do not donate any used items.
If you have any questions, please email info@empirequilters.net or contact one of the Service Committee Members: Jennifer Bigelow, or Denise Walsh-Horowitz.
And last — but certainly not least! — what would a holiday party be without FOOD! Once again we ask that all our bakers get busy that week and bring in goodies for us to share. We would also love a few food donations for the Auction or the President's Gift Table! The guild will provide the water and soda, the member will provide the goodies. After all, we all need to refresh ourselves after the had work of spending money at the Auction!
Posted: Dec 17, 2010 –The December Holidays will soon be over, presents opened, food eaten and memories of a good time with family and friends. Once again, the members of Empire Quilters have opened their hearts and provided for those who are less fortunate in our City. This year the membership contributed 381 Stockings, 200 Bears, 96 Stuffed Animals, 57 Other Soft Dolls, Hats, Gloves, Mittens, Handknit Hats and Scarfs, 77 Handmade Drawstring bags, jewelry, hand beaded earrings (36), 1 Mans shirt; Toys — over 500 individual items which included books, coloring book, crayons and related items, pads, stickers, matchbox cars, trucks, puzzles, games, cards, puzzles, slinky's, DVD's. There were over 3,000 toiletry items and candy, chips and holiday treats.
My mother and I spent Sunday filling all the stockings and bags with bears, hats, gloves, etc, toiletry items for teens and Moms, coloring books/crayons. Since we had so many toys, I made up three large bags (the kind from the Dollar Store) and filled them with toys. We divided the toiletry items so each person received at least two of each item in plastic zip lock bags. Keep in mind that these numbers may be off as the amount of stuff to put together in one day is tremendous, but it all got done.
I would like to thank my mother, Betty Walsh, for helping get all this stuff together with me so it reached the shelter on time. This is her third year helping with assembling our Holiday collection. I would also like to thank my husband, Mike for delivering all the "stuff" as I was unable to take off from work, so he went after school and delivered everything. Our members should be very proud of themselves for a job well done. We are living in world where we are all thinking twice about how we spend our money, but the Empire Quilters always think of others and looking at the numbers think of all the people who receive a gift, given with love, from someone who does not know them. Hopefully, they will realize there are some really nice people who really care about them.
Wishes for a very Happy and Healthy New Year
Denise Walsh-Horowitz, Chair
Pamela Leonard Wexler and Jennifer Bigelow
Empire Quilters Service Committee
The December block is quick and easy. These wonky "plus signs" will look like windowpanes when all the blocks are sewn together.
SUPPLIES: a 6 inch square of white (or ivory), and a colorful strip cut about 1½" wide.
The unfinished block will be trimmed to 6" and the block in the finished quilt will measure 5½" square.
Here's an arrangement of three blocks to get an idea of what they'll look like as a windowpane scrap quilt. The white areas might be a good place to show off some quilting!
— Karen Griska for the Empire Quilters BOM Squad
Empire BOM Blog: www.empirebom.blogspot.com
Congratulations to guild member Janet Randolph for wining this month's collection of Window Panes blocks!
Empire Quilters BOM Squad: Karen Griska Chair: bom@empirequilters.net
Committee Members: Helen Beall, Lisa Belle, Shirley Clark, Lisa Kehrle.
Elm Creek Quilt Blocks
- December Focus Group Meeting Date: Sat, Dec 11, 2010
- Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm
- Group Leaders: Lisa Belle and Lisa Kehrle
- Location: Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.), David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor, 27th Street & 8th Avenue,
New York City - Open To: All guild members.
This exciting focus group began during the 2009–2010 guild season and was so popular that it is being continued for the 2010–2011 season. Group members gather at noon before the monthly meetings to "show and tell" Elm Creek Blocks. Each month the group makes a different block from one of the books inspired by Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilts series. You don't need to have all three books to join this group. There is often overlap in the patterns.
Join the group! … Newcomers are welcome! You'll make new friends, learn some new quilting techniques, have a project in common with others, and support each other.
Visit the Focus Groups page for complete inforamtion, and check out the previous months (below) to see samples of the blocks made.
DECEMBER 2010 Workshop: Butterfly
Date: Sunday, December 12, 2010
Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Instructor: Anna Faustino
Location: 343 8th Avenue, at 27th Street,
New York City
Cost: $70
Sign up: To reserve your place in this workshop, send a check made out to Empire Quilters to Mary Butler. Contact info@empirequilters.net if you need Mary's address.
The ever-popular and talented Anna Faustino is back with another fabulous workshop! Participants will make a butterfly wall hanging, pictured above. This butterfly is based on Anna's award-winning quilt (Best of Show, New Jersey Quilt Fest, and First Prize in Houton!) Butterfly Dance (pictured left). This is a great opportunity to learn some of Anna's special techniques. You'll come away with a beautiful butterfly, and ideas galore to put to use in your next projects.
The workshop fee includes a kit with all the fabrics needed for this wall hanging.
- Large cutting board (18" x 24" minumum)
- Rotary cutter
- Ruler (18" or longer)
- Pencil
- Craft knife with blades
- Iron with extension cord
- Scissors
- Ironing mat
For more information about Anna Faustino visit her website: www.newtechquilts.com or see her Quilter of the Month page.
November 2010
NOVEMBER 2010 PROGRAM: Chicago School of Fusing Guided Tour
Sunday, November 14, 2010, 1:00 pm
Speaker: Laura Wasilowski
Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.),
David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor
27th Street & 8th Avenue
New York City
Cost: Free for guild members.
Guest Fee: $10.00.
Take a campus tour of the famous Chicago School of Fusing. This mythical university is devoted to the promotion of the fine art of fusing, a non-traditional method of assembling quilts with fusible web. Laura Wasilowski, Dean of Corrections at the School, guides you around the campus buildings, introduces you to the facinating fusing curriculum, and shows you the exciting campus life of the student fuser. Included in the presentation is a review of the fusing processes, a display of actual fused art quilts, and Laura's own rendition of the Chicago School of Fusing fight song. Press on! (A trunk show of hand dyed fabrics and threads from the ARTFABRIK dyers is included.)
Laura Wasilowski is a celebrated contemporary quilt maker, a creator of hand-dyed fabrics and threads, and an author of patterns, books and instructional CDs. Her pictorial art quilts, made from fused fabrics and machine quilted, are collected and exhibited internationally. This busy artist is also the owner of the dye shop, Artfabrik and she lectures and teaches across the country. We're delighted to welcome Laura to New York City!
Laura Wasilowski will also be our Vendor of the Month this month, so you will have an opportunity to purchase items from her Art Fabric store at the guild meeting. Visit Laura's online Art Fabric Store for a sampling of her wares: www.artfabrik.com
For more information about Laura Wasilowski, her books, her instructional videos, and to see more examples of her work, visit her website: www.artfabrik.com.
NOVEMBER 2010 WORKSHOP: Object Lesson
Date: Saturday, November 13, 2010
Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Instructor: Laura Wasilowski
Location: 343 8th Avenue, at 27th Street
New York City
Cost: $65.00 (plus $20 for the kit)
Sign up: To reserve your place in this workshop, send a check made out to Empire Quilters to Mary Butler. Contact info@empirequilters.net if you need Mary's address.
To truly make your own art quilts, begin by designing your own fabric. In this class you will make swatches of colorful fused fabrics like florals, checks, stripes, and dots. Using those fused fabric swatches, you can then create an art quilt illustrating a familiar object. It can be an object of personal meaning such as a teapot, chair, or birdhouse or possibly an abstract collage full of texture and pattern. Either way, it is an original quilt made with original fabric designs. (No sewing machine is needed.)
Laura Wasilowski is a celebrated contemporary quilt maker, a creator of hand-dyed fabrics and threads, and an author of patterns, books and instructional CDs. Her pictorial art quilts, made from fused fabrics and machine quilted, are collected and exhibited internationally. This busy artist is also the owner of the dye shop, Artfabrik and she lectures and teaches across the country. We're delighted to welcome Laura to New York City!
![]() ABOVE: Mmbers of the focus group show off their pieces at the guild meeting. Photo by Shirley Clark |
- Kit ($20.00 fee). Kit inclues hand out and hand-dyed fabrics and threads
- 2 yards of regular weight Wonder-Under fusible web (paper backed, #805). Please DO NOT BRING HEAT 'N BOND or STEAM A SEAM
- Sharp scissors like 5" knife blade scissors
- Paper scissors
- Rotary cutter, ruler, and mat
- Specialty blades, such as Pinking, Wavy or Scallop
- Batting, 1 piece measuring about 18" x 18". Hobbs Heirloom Cotton Batting 80/20 recommended
- 1 piece of quilt backing fabric measuring about 18" x 18"
- Teflon pressing sheet (optional)
- Iron and ironing surface (may be shared with other class members if not provided by group)
- Small plastic bag for fabric scraps
- Tweezers (optional)
Laura Wasilowski will be the featured speaker at our monthly guild meeting on Sunday, November 14, 2010.
For more information about Laura Wasilowski, her books, her instructional videos and to see more examples of her work, visit her website: www.artfabrik.com
NOVEMBER 2010 [one-session] FOCUS GROUP: Mini Travel Bag
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Photo by Janet Randolph |
- Date: Sunday November 14, 2010
- Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am
- Group Leader: Marian Webber
- Location: Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.), David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor,
27th Street & 8th Avenue,
New York City - Open To: All guild members.
A hands-on group to stitch a quick and easy mini-bag.
Supply List: hand sewing needle, thread (no white). scissors, few straightpins. Fabric/zipper supplied in class.
Elm Creek Quilt Blocks
- November Focus Group Meeting Date: Sun, Nov 14, 2010
- Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm
- Group Leaders: Lisa Belle and Lisa Kehrle
- Location: Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.), David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor, 27th Street & 8th Avenue,
New York City - Open To: All guild members.
This exciting focus group began during the 2009–2010 guild season and was so popular that it is being continued for the 2010–2011 season. Group members gather at noon before the monthly meetings to "show and tell" Elm Creek Blocks. Each month the group makes a different block from one of the books inspired by Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilts series. You don't need to have all three books to join this group. There is often overlap in the patterns.
Join the group! … Newcomers are welcome! You'll make new friends, learn some new quilting techniques, have a project in common with others, and support each other.
Visit the Focus Groups page for complete inforamtion, and check out the previous months (below) to see samples of the blocks made.
November 2010 Block of the Month: Autumn Leaves
Are you an "old hand" at hand applique? Or maybe this will be something new. Either way, this bite-sized project will delight your creative spirit.
We'll start with a 6" square foundation and add one or more leaves (of any shape) in autumn colors. Any combination of prints, solids, batiks, plaids, stripes...whatever says autumn to you. (Finished size in the quilt top will be 5 1/2".)
Congratulations to guild member Janet Randolph — lucky winner of the November blocks!
— Karen Griska for the Empire Quilters BOM Squad
Empire BOM Blog: www.empirebom.blogspot.com
Empire Quilters BOM Squad: Karen Griska Chair: bom@empirequilters.net
Committee Members: Helen Beall, Lisa Belle, Shirley Clark, Lisa Kehrle.
October 2010
OCTOBER 2010 PROGRAM: Traditional Meets Contemporary: A Look at the Heritage of Traditional Quilts and their Influence in Contemporary Design
Saturday, October 9, 2010, 1:00 pm
Speaker: Pat Pauly
Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.),
David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor
27th Street & 8th Avenue
New York City
Cost: Free for guild members.
Guest Fee: $10.00.
Pat Pauly is an art quilter and designer known for her improvisational techniques. She uses bold color and unusual juxtapositions of printed and painted fabric in her contemporary quilts. Her pieces maintain the integrity of the traditional quilt coupled with modern interpretations and methods. Her work in fiber art, which began in the 1980s, stems from a background and love of art and design.
From her background as a curator of the exhibition Quilts Uncovered: Treasures from Genesee Country Village and Museum which considered the legacy of traditional quilts, Pat will give us an expansive look at the long history of quilt making, and its change and rebirth in the twenty-first century. Join us for this fast-paced look at the craft that has endured in America for nearly 250 years.
Note that Pat Pauly will also conducted a day-long workshop on Sunday, October 10 2010. See below for more information about that workshop.
For more information about Pat Pauly visit her website: www.patpauly.com.
OCTOBER 2010 WORKSHOP: The Big Leaf: Using Freezer Paper Templates for Design
Date: Sunday, October 10, 2010
Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Instructor: Pat Pauly
Location: 343 8th Avenue, at 27th Street,
New York City
Cost: $55.00
This large graphic leaf, using freezer paper to form the design templates, can be made as the final 24" x 24" piece, or combined with three additional blocks to make a stunning quilt. In this workshop Pat Pauly will show participants how to transform a line drawing into templates, how to choose fabric and color, how to iron freezer paper templates to fabric and how to assemble this "Big Leaf" quilt. At the end of this class you will know how to translate your own designs using this freezer paper method.
- Basic sewing supplies
- Rotary cutter and mat
- Pins
- Scissors
- Sewing machine with regular foot
- Seam Ripper
- Ruler
- Iron & Ironing pad
- Colored pencils in at least 10 colors
- Sharpie fine point permanent marker
- Pink or yellow highlighter
- Freezer paper (at least 5 running feet)
- Optional: Design wall you can pin into is a great help (about 3' x 3' )
This is a great quilt for using your accumulated scraps, or small amounts of fabrics (fat quarters) in a range of colors from light to dark. Batiks, hand-dyes, solids, or textures work well. Smaller scale commercial prints are fine, too, as well as wild graphics. Add small amounts (1/8 yard or so) of neon or bright fabric like lime green or fuchsia if you have it on hand.
Pat Pauly was also the featured speaker at our monthly guild meeting on Saturday, October 9, 2011. See above for more details.
For more information about Pat Pauly, visit her website: www.patpauly.com
OCTOBER [one-session] FOCUS GROUP: Double-Miter Binding with Janet Randolph
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Photo by Janet Randolph |
- Date: Saturday, October 9, 2010
- Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am
- Group Leader: Janet Randolph
- Location: Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.), David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor,
27th Street & 8th Avenue, New York City - Open To: All guild members.
- A hands-on group on stitching perfect double-mitered corners on binding. You never have to hand sew openings at corner miters ever again.
- Supply List: Hand sewing needle, thread, scissors, few straight pins, pencil. Fabric/binding supplied in class.
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Photo By Anna Krassy |
Once again the room was packed at this popular focus group. Everyone had a great time learning this important — and fun! — technique. Janet Randolph is a terrific teacher and is always generous with her quilting tips.
Elm Creek Quilt Blocks
- October Focus Group Meeting Date: Sat, Oct 09, 2010
- Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm
- Group Leaders: Lisa Belle and Lisa Kehrle
- Location: Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.), David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor, 27th Street & 8th Avenue,
New York City - Open To: All guild members.
This exciting focus group began during the 2009–2010 guild season and was so popular that it is being continued for the 2010–2011 season. Group members gather at noon before the monthly meetings to "show and tell" Elm Creek Blocks. Each month the group makes a different block from one of the books inspired by Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilts series. You don't need to have all three books to join this group. There is often overlap in the patterns.
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Photo by Anna Krassy |
Some of the blocks that group members showed off at the October meeting are pictured here. They include Wedding Ring, Kansas Troubles, and Friendship Star blocks.
Join the group! … Newcomers are welcome! You'll make new friends, learn some new quilting techniques, have a project in common with others, and support each other.
OCTOBER 2010 Block of the Month: Stamp Collection
The Stamp Collection block passes all the tests for an Empire Quilters Block of the Month: it is fun to make, not too fussy, the ingredients can be pulled from existing stash, and the resulting blocks will make an awesome quilt.
These raw-edge patches are cut with scissors, by eye, so they aren't perfect squares and rectangles. Use what you have in your stash! Lay them out in some pleasing arrangement with about 1/4" between them (for imaginary grout) so it will look like a mosaic.
Empire BOM Blog: www.empirebom.blogspot.com
Empire Quilters BOM Squad: bom@empirequilters.net
Karen Griska, Chair; Committee Members: Helen Beall, Lisa Belle, Shirley Clark, Lisa Kehrle.
Congratulations to guild member Pauline Hazard for winning this month's collection of blocks!
Photo by
Jennifer Bigelow
SPECIAL MEETING EVENT: Quilter's Dozen Batik Collection Raffled
Posted: Sep 01, 2010 – We will be holding a raffle for a beautiful array of 13 different batik fabrics at the end of the October 9, 2010 guild meeting. Tickets will be available for purchase at the Membership Table at both the September 11, 2010 and October 9, 2010 guild meetings.
The collection of fabrics includes a wide variety of colors and styles. Each piece is about a yard — so that's 13 yards of fabric! Each chance to win costs just $1.00. Look for the collection to be on display at the Membership Table. The fabric can easily be incorporated into a new quilt, or stashed away for a special quilt — perhaps one for the March show! These beautiful fabrics were donated by several of our members — please show your support of the guild — and the upcoming show! — by purchasing tickets for this great prize.
Congratulations to guild member Renee Fields for winning this fabulous gift!
SPECIAL OCTOBER EVENT: Quilting Demonstrations: Saturday, October 16, 2010
Posted: Sep 19, 2010 –Empire Quilters guild members are invited to participate in the Annual Quilt Fest at the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum on Saturday, October 16, 2010. The museum is the last remaining Dutch colonial style farmhouse in Manhattan. Members of the guild sit on the beautiful front porch to greet visitors to the museum, while demonstrating various aspects of quilting. We hope many guild members will participate in his annual quilting afternoon. Bring along a hand project to work on.
Our guild's association with the museum began in 2007 when many guild members worked together to reproduce one of the museum's antique quilts (see below for a link to pictures of that project).
The quilting demonstrations take place from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. To get to the museum, take the A train to 207th Street, stay at the back of the train and exit to the street. Turn right and walk back down Broadway two blocks to the Museum, at 204th Street. If you have questions, please contact Mary Butler via info@empirequilters.net.
For additional information:
- Dyckman Farmhouse Museum — www.dyckmanfarmhouse.org
or call 212-662-7771 - Empire Quilters Quilt Project— Dyckman Project Pictures
September 2010
SEPTEMBER 2010 PROGRAM: Beading Plus
Saturday, September 11, 2010, 1:00 pm
Speaker: Terry White
Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.),
David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor
27th Street & 8th Avenue
New York City
Cost: Free for guild members.
Guest Fee: $10.00.
Terry White is a studio fiber artist, instructor and author. She has been published in most of the major quilting periodicals, has appeared on many TV shows, and has won many prestigious awards for her work. Terry's most recent book, All Beaded Up By Machine, has struck a cord for those who would like to embellish their quilts but don't have the time to spend to do it by hand. We extend a hearty New York City welcome to Terry as she shares her techniques and her work with Empire Quilters.
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Photo by Shirley Clark |
Note that Terry White will be conducting a day-long workshop on Sunday, September 12, 2010. [See below for details on that workshop.]
For more information about Terry White, her books, her instructional videos and to see more examples of her work, visit her website: www.threadpaint.com.
Special Note … Terry's popular books and videos will be available for purchase at the end of the meeting.
[Post-Meeting Note]: We had a delightful time with Terry White! She was a great speaker and her work was sparkly and fabulous. Yes, we were very taken with her "sparkly pig." (pictured above)
SEPTEMBER 2010 FOCUS GROUP: Quilt Borders [one-session focus group]
- Date: Saturday, September 11, 2010
- Time: 10:30 — 11:30 a.m.
- Group Leader: Mary Butler
- Location: Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.), David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor,
27th Street & 8th Avenue, New York City - Open To: All guild members.
Learn how to measure, cut and sew borders to a wall hanging or bed quilt. Borders frame the center of your design as well as adding size to the quilt top. Explore different styles, size and color combinations to compliment your quilt.
Supply List: Bring pen and paper for note-taking.
ONGOING 2010-11 FOCUS GROUP: Elm Creek Quilt Blocks
Watch the Focus Groups Page for details about the activities of this group throughout the year.
- Next Focus Group Meeting Date: Sat, September 11, 2010
- Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm
- Group Leaders: Lisa Belle and Lisa Kehrle
- Location: Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.), David Dubinsky Center, 8th Floor, 27th Street & 8th Avenue,
New York City - Open To: All guild members.
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Photo by Shirley Clark |
This exciting focus group began during the 2009–2010 guild season and was so popular that it is being continued for the 2010–2011 season. Group members gather at noon before the monthly meetings to "show and tell" Elm Creek Blocks. Each month the group makes a different block from one of the books inspired by Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilts series. You don't need to have all three books to join this group. There is often overlap in the patterns.
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Photo by Shirley Clark |
This season quite an inspirational jump-start with this quilt top by Margaret Kelly. Margaret's sampler quilt (above, left) received many "ooohs!" and "ahhhs!" and we suspect that her finished piece was incentive for many others to finish (or start!) their own Elm Creek Quilt.
The block for September was the Friendship Star. Judging from the blocks on display at the meeting, it looks like the group is off to a very good start. We're already anxious to see the Wedding Ring and Kansas Troubles blocks scheduled for October.
Join the group! … Newcomers are welcome! You'll make new friends, learn some new quilting techniques, have a project in common with others, and support each other.
SEPTEMBER 2010 Block of the Month: Button Box
The Button Box block is a real treat for those of us who like to collect buttons, beads, charms, pins, hooks, lace, and all the other little thingys that we expect to have a use for someday. Well, that day has arrived! What a curiousity quilt this will be for one lucky participant!
The block is simple. Start by cutting a 3" square for the center. Then cut some 1" strips for the borders. Sew two borders onto your center square. Apply embellishments. How to tie everyone's blocks together? Include something red! — Karen Griska for the Empire Quilters BOM Squad.
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Photo by Shirley Clark |
We had a wonderful collection of blocks on display at the meeting. Guild member Nicole Gustafson was the lucky winner of the collection.
Empire BOM Blog: www.empirebom.blogspot.com
Empire Quilters BOM Squad: bom@empirequilters.net
Karen Griska, Chair; Committee Members: Helen Beall, Lisa Belle, Shirley Clark, Lisa Kehrle.
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Photo by Shirley Clark |
Always a popular vendor at our meetings, Fiber Notion was established in 2005 by Kat Ridel to supply sewers and stitchers with the hottest trends in fabrics and notions. Kat has been rescuing the trend/ forecast fabrics usually seen only by the professional design community. This labor of love has developed into the Tasty Fashion Tidbits and Charm Packs that inspire and delight the quilters crafters and designers who frequent Fiber Notion's cozy little Brooklyn shop.
SEPTEMBER 2010 WORKSHOP: Garden Party Embellishment Class
Date: Sunday, September 12, 2010
Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Instructor: Terry White
Location: 343 8th Avenue, at 27th Street
New York City
Cost: $80.00 (fee includes $40 for the kit)
Sign up: To reserve your place in this workshop, send a check made out to Empire Quilters to Mary Butler. Contact info@empirequilters.net if you need Mary's address.
Terry White will teach embellishment ideas introduced in her CD video classes Artful Embellishments and Beading by Machine. Students will learn how threads enhance their sewing machine's decorative stitches and how those same stitches can enhance embellishment fibers. Terry will share many of her "artful" projects throughout the day. [Class level: Intermediate]
- Kit ($40) which includes: Hand-dyed fabrics for top • Fabric for binding • Stabilizer • Fusible web • Cool embellishment fibers • Threaded beads • The Beadle tool • Tapestry needle • Iron on hem tape • Small quilt sandwich for machine tacking technique • Drawings, Instructions, Binding by machine instructions.
- Sewing Mchine. This class requires each student to have a good relationship with a sewing machine. Sewing machines should be clean and in good working order. For these techniques, you should be able to drop or cover the machine feed dogs.
- Threads: There is a mix of threads. You can substitute similar threads. If you have oversize spools bring a metal thread stand for smooth thread delivery.
Terry suggests YLI Variegated cotton machine quilting thread:
M03 Meadow (light greens) / M04 Brook (light teals) / V74 Paris Boutique (light corals) / V23 Foliage (yellow to green) / V90 Napa Valley Wine (pinky reds) / YLI holographic thread (flat metallic) in pink and blue / 40 weight rayon machine embroidery threads in lt blue, med blue, lt green, yellow green.
Wind 2 bobbins with tan Maxi-Loc thread (a serger thread) before coming to class. - 1 empty bobbin
- 90/14 Machine embroidery needles
- Decorative stitch foot
- Multi-cording foot (optional)
- Cording foot
- Pearl and piping or beading foot (has large open channel under center needle position)
- Fabric scissors and small embroidery scissors
- Pencil, Fabric marker, 12" ruler
Terry White will be the featured speaker at our monthly guild meeting on Saturday, September 10, 2010. [See above for details about that program.]
For more information about Terry White, visit her website: www.threadpaint.com