
Greetings Empire Quilters!


Upcoming Charity Night - TBD

If you are interested in adding a charity to our list we need some information. Firstly, we need either a letter or an email that has the 501 (c)(3) number as proof of the charity's non profit status. The second piece of information that we need is a statement with a description of what the population is served and their ages. Also what size quilts are required. All of this information can be included in the one letter or email. 
Service Committee Report for June 2022
The guild took in 15 quilts at the June meeting and Janice took them all for Freedom House.
The guild also got a letter from Children’s Aid thanking us for 5 quilts it received in June from Linda Patron’s Quilters With a Cause at Morningside Library.
Have a good summer.
Carol Strasser - Committee Chair
Service Committee Report for March 2022

During the meeting in March the charity table collected 12 quilt tops, 16 quilts.  
Children's Aid Society - received 8 quilts 
Freedom House - received 8 quilts, a wall hanging, pillow cover and table runner. 

The service committee thanks all of our members for their continued support.  

Carol Strasser - Committee Chair 
Service Committee Report for February 2020

During the meeting in February the charity table collected3 quilt tops, 3 hand tied blankets and 7 quilts. The distribution list for February is as follows:
   Louise Naples    Hour Children            2
   Carol Strasser     Sanctuary for Families     4
   Rossanna Wells    Jamaica Hospital ENY Pediatric clinic    1 quilt
                            A Women's Domestic Violence Program  2 quilts
   Janice Ewing     Brought in 3 quilts to be bound
                          Received 4 quilt tops to be quilted
                          2 finished small quilts.  

Service Committee Report for January 2020

During the meeting in January the service committee collected 2 quilt tops and 8 quilts.
The following organizations were given quilts this month.
Janice Ewing        Freedom House     4 quilts
Carol Strasser      Sanctuary for Families    2 quilts
Louise Naples      Hour Children      2 quilts
We received notice from members that they had given quilts to organizations during the year. 
Rossanna Wells   Jamaica Hospital- East New York Pediatric Clinic - 4 quilts
Northern Manhattan Improvement Center- Women's Domestic Violence Program     - 4 quilts
Mildred Purdy gave 15 more baby quilts to the neonatal unit at Mt. Sinai hospital for the holidays. The service committee and all of our members are very grateful for all of your efforts for the hospital. We are sure that the recipients and families that receive the quilts are very appreciative of all of your efforts.
Thank you to all those who helped during the meeting at the charity table.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated. 
Cheryl Kulakoff and Shune Sumner co chairs Service Committee

Service Committee Report for November 2019

During the November guild meeting we collected 1 package of 2 1/2 inch squares, 2 quilt tops, 4 quilts that need binding and 11 quilts. We gave the holiday committee all of the animals that were finished by us for the bags and stockings.

Thank you to everyone for their holiday efforts.

The following organizations were given quilts this month.
Beth Pile             Mercy House    2
Carol Strasser     Sanctuary for Families    3
Rossanna Wells     Jamaica ENY Pediatric Clinic and NMIC   3
Janice Ewing       Freedom House     1
Louise Naples     Hour Children         2

We are working on a schedule for next year's charity nights now. We should be getting the information next

week and so I will be announcing the dates at the Dec. meeting. We will be sending out a separate email
about the dates. Also watch for the information on our web page and Facebook page. If you happen to know
anyone who does not have access to the Internet please let them know the information if you think they may 
be interested.

Thank you to all of you who came up and said they would like to help me out on meeting days. I will be needing 

help throughout the day so I will have a paper at the charity table where you can put your name and the time that
you would like to help out. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. As we try to make the work our charity 
committee does more efficient we ask that people remain patient with our efforts.
Cheryl Kulakoff and Shune Sumner  co chairs Service Committee

Service Committee Report for October 2019

During the meeting in October we collected 20 quilts to be bound, 12 quilt tops and 15 finished quilts. The charities that got quilts are as follows:

Mildred Purdy    Mt. Sinai Hospital       18 baby quilts
Beth Pile           Mercy House                2 quilts
Louise Naples   Hour Children              6 quilts
Janice Ewing     Freedom House and Project Linus   3 quilts

Charity night that was in October was a very productive and enjoyable  evening. The room we use is very spacious so we have an ironing station, a cutting board station and the 2 sewing machines and one serger are set up set up at one time. There is also an area for us to put up blocks to design quilts. We had a wonderful night of creating quilts during our October charity night.
Cheryl Kulakoff and Shune Sumner co chairs Service Committee

Service Committee Report for September 2019

During the September meeting we collected 25 quilts, 13 quilt tops, 2 pillowcases and coasters and 7 quilts for binding. All of the completed items were distributed and the quilts needing to be bound were handed out. The charities that got quilts are as follows:
Rossanna Wells     East New York Pediatric Clinic            1
Carol Strasser       Sanctuary for Families                        4
Louise Naples        Hour Children                                      6
Janice Ewing         Freedom House and Project Linus     14
Eileen Powell         Freedom House                                   1

If you are thinking of adding a charity to our list we need a couple of items. The first is a letter with the 501 (c)(3) number in the letter as proof of the charity's non profit status. The second item is a letter on the organization's letterhead stating the size of quilts needed and a description of the ages of the population that the charity serves.

The service committee thanks all of our members for their continued support. 

Cheryl Kulakoff   co chair 
Shune Sumner    co chair







Charity Coach and Chat
Charities Express Appreciation
Our Annual Charity Work Day
Basic Service Project Guidelines

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