Greetings Empire Quilters!
Upcoming Charity Night - TBD
If you are interested in adding a charity to our list we need some information. Firstly, we need either a letter or an email that has the 501 (c)(3) number as proof of the charity's non profit status. The second piece of information that we need is a statement with a description of what the population is served and their ages. Also what size quilts are required. All of this information can be included in the one letter or email.
Service Committee Report for June 2022
The guild took in 15 quilts at the June meeting and Janice took them all for Freedom House.
The guild also got a letter from Children’s Aid thanking us for 5 quilts it received in June from Linda Patron’s Quilters With a Cause at Morningside Library.
Have a good summer.
Carol Strasser - Committee Chair
Service Committee Report for March 2022
During the meeting in March the charity table collected 12 quilt tops, 16 quilts.
Children's Aid Society - received 8 quilts
Freedom House - received 8 quilts, a wall hanging, pillow cover and table runner.
The service committee thanks all of our members for their continued support.
Carol Strasser - Committee Chair
Service Committee Report for February 2020
During the meeting in February the charity table collected3 quilt tops, 3 hand tied blankets and 7 quilts. The distribution list for February is as follows:
Louise Naples Hour Children 2
Carol Strasser Sanctuary for Families 4
Rossanna Wells Jamaica Hospital ENY Pediatric clinic 1 quilt
A Women's Domestic Violence Program 2 quilts
Janice Ewing Brought in 3 quilts to be bound
Received 4 quilt tops to be quilted
2 finished small quilts.
Service Committee Report for January 2020
During the meeting in January the service committee collected 2 quilt tops and 8 quilts.
The following organizations were given quilts this month.
Janice Ewing Freedom House 4 quilts
Carol Strasser Sanctuary for Families 2 quilts
Louise Naples Hour Children 2 quilts
We received notice from members that they had given quilts to organizations during the year.
Rossanna Wells Jamaica Hospital- East New York Pediatric Clinic - 4 quilts
Northern Manhattan Improvement Center- Women's Domestic Violence Program - 4 quilts
Mildred Purdy gave 15 more baby quilts to the neonatal unit at Mt. Sinai hospital for the holidays. The service committee and all of our members are very grateful for all of your efforts for the hospital. We are sure that the recipients and families that receive the quilts are very appreciative of all of your efforts.
Thank you to all those who helped during the meeting at the charity table.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Cheryl Kulakoff and Shune Sumner co chairs Service Committee
Service Committee Report for November 2019
During the November guild meeting we collected 1 package of 2 1/2 inch squares, 2 quilt tops, 4 quilts that need binding and 11 quilts. We gave the holiday committee all of the animals that were finished by us for the bags and stockings.
Thank you to everyone for their holiday efforts.
The following organizations were given quilts this month.
Beth Pile Mercy House 2
Carol Strasser Sanctuary for Families 3
Rossanna Wells Jamaica ENY Pediatric Clinic and NMIC 3
Janice Ewing Freedom House 1
Louise Naples Hour Children 2
We are working on a schedule for next year's charity nights now. We should be getting the information next
week and so I will be announcing the dates at the Dec. meeting. We will be sending out a separate email
about the dates. Also watch for the information on our web page and Facebook page. If you happen to know
anyone who does not have access to the Internet please let them know the information if you think they may
be interested.
Thank you to all of you who came up and said they would like to help me out on meeting days. I will be needing
help throughout the day so I will have a paper at the charity table where you can put your name and the time that
you would like to help out. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. As we try to make the work our charity
committee does more efficient we ask that people remain patient with our efforts.
Cheryl Kulakoff and Shune Sumner co chairs Service Committee
Service Committee Report for October 2019
During the meeting in October we collected 20 quilts to be bound, 12 quilt tops and 15 finished quilts. The charities that got quilts are as follows:
Mildred Purdy Mt. Sinai Hospital 18 baby quilts
Beth Pile Mercy House 2 quilts
Louise Naples Hour Children 6 quilts
Janice Ewing Freedom House and Project Linus 3 quilts
Charity night that was in October was a very productive and enjoyable evening. The room we use is very spacious so we have an ironing station, a cutting board station and the 2 sewing machines and one serger are set up set up at one time. There is also an area for us to put up blocks to design quilts. We had a wonderful night of creating quilts during our October charity night.
Cheryl Kulakoff and Shune Sumner co chairs Service Committee
Service Committee Report for September 2019
During the September meeting we collected 25 quilts, 13 quilt tops, 2 pillowcases and coasters and 7 quilts for binding. All of the completed items were distributed and the quilts needing to be bound were handed out. The charities that got quilts are as follows:
Rossanna Wells East New York Pediatric Clinic 1
Carol Strasser Sanctuary for Families 4
Louise Naples Hour Children 6
Janice Ewing Freedom House and Project Linus 14
Eileen Powell Freedom House 1
If you are thinking of adding a charity to our list we need a couple of items. The first is a letter with the 501 (c)(3) number in the letter as proof of the charity's non profit status. The second item is a letter on the organization's letterhead stating the size of quilts needed and a description of the ages of the population that the charity serves.
The service committee thanks all of our members for their continued support.
Cheryl Kulakoff co chair
Shune Sumner co chair
Charity Coach and Chat
Charity Coach and Chat
Charity Coach and Chat is now headed by Claire Surovell.
We meet at 11 am to plan and produce simple quilts for summer camps. Our aim with this group is to develop confidence and encourage camaraderie - and of course have some quilts for charity at the end of the year. All members are welcome.
We hope you join us while we work on the Scrappy Mountain Block You can find the pdf instructions by clicking HERE
The Service Committee is looking for members willing to demonstrate basic and intermediate techniques for making quilts, stuffed animals, or other items we donate to the many charitable organizations we support.
Long-standing members: Please email the Service Committee at and let her know if you would like to help by attending one or more of these Charity Coach and Chat sessions or to answer questions from newer quilters. The sessions will be held from 11:00am to 1:00pm, before our regular meetings.
Newer quilters: Make your charity quilts with us! By coming to these Charity Coach and Chat sessions, you’ll learn all you need to know about making beautiful, useful charity quilts. During these sessions, you’ll learn how to plan, cut, sew, and finish your charity quilt. And we’ll also talk about making other items — like the holiday stockings and teddy bears.
The members who attended our monthly sessions this year not only learned how to make charity quilts, they picked up techniques they now use to make their own beautiful quilts.
This is open for all members and guests. We look forward to having a lively time with many people.
Charities Express Appreciation
Our Annual Charity Work Day
Our Annual Charity Work Day: March 14, 2020
Each year we have one meeting dedicated to assembling quilts for various charities. It is a fabulous time to learn and work together. There are so many people in need, and we can use your help.
Basic Service Project Guidelines
Do you want to help, but you're not sure how? Here are suggestions to get you started, and some great ideas of projects you can do over the summer.
Use these shortcuts to go directly to a specific section:
• Quilt Patterns • Stuffed Animal Patterns • Wheelchair Bags • Preemie Caps • Drawstring Bags • Pillowcases
• Organizations We Support • Other Charitable Opportunities •
Suggested Quilt Sizes (Approximate)
- Preemie Quilts — 16" x 24" quilted by hand or machine and washed in Ivory or Dreft. Absolutely NO tied quilts, no buttons, no pompoms.
- Crib Size — 36" x 36" – no larger than 45" x 45"
- Nursing Home (Wheelchair) — 36" x 36" No larger, please, as we do not want our beautiful quilts to get caught in the wheels.
- Summer Camp-minimum 60" wide, 80" long.
- Blankies, for pedriatic patients: 42" x 42" or larger, for ages newborn to 21 years.
- NICU Isolet Covers: 30" x 36" in light colored fabrics. Must be quilted, not tied.
Files in .pdf format require Adobe Acrobat Reader — a free program from Adobe. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it by clicking the Adobe Reader icon: 
Easy Assembly Suggestions — Option A
Thank you to member Marge Geary for these easy assembly instructions:
On a large flat surface, layer (top to bottom): Batting, Top Fabric (right side down), Bottom Fabric (right side up). The right sides of your top and bottom fabric will be together. Sew around the border of three sides, and 3/4 of the way around the fourth side. Leave an opening and turn the quilt inside out. Your top layer will be in place, with the batting in the middle and the bottom layer on the bottom — just where they all belong! You are now ready to quilt or tie!

›› Print These Instructions (PDF Format) ‹‹.
Easy Assembly Suggestions — Option B
This is another way to finish off quilts rather than doing the pillow turn method or making separate binding and sewing on. This works up very fast for charity quilts.
This should be done with a machine with walking/even feed foot.
The top and batting should be the same size with the backing about 3" larger.
Lay the backing face down with the top and batting centered on it, face up.
Quilt as desired.
Trim the backing to 1" all around.
Turn the backing in ½" to meet the top/batting.
Turn in again ½ to cover the edge of the top/batting.
Sew down on machine.
›› Print These Instructions (PDF format) ‹‹
Sample Quilt Patterns
Charity Quilt Pattern #1
Finishd block size is 7" and there are 30 blocks total, five rows of six each. Each row is the same, with rows 2 & 4 upside down.
Start with a 6" square of a print fabric – 30 needed.
Cut 30 2" x 6" pieces of assorted solid or small prints.
Cut 30 2" x 7½" pieces of assorted solid or small prints.
Sew the smaller 2"x 6" border to the squares. PRESS to border.
Sew the 2"x 7½" to the square. PRESS to border.
Sew in rows of six alternating the side border right then left, border always on bottom. There are five rows. PRESS.
Sew rows together. PRESS.
To assemble, lay batting down smooth, lay backing on top, face up. Put top face down and pin baste around edges. Sew ¼" from edge of top all around leaving a 6" opening. Turn right side out and quilt by machine or tie. Close opening.
›› Print These Instructions (PDF format) ‹‹
Charity Quilt — Giant Log Cabin
Start with a panel or large focal print measuring between 16"-22" x 22"-26" or two smaller panels with sashing in between.
You will want your finished quilt between 36-40" wide and 40-44" long. If your panel is 16"x24" you will need 10" each side to make 36" x 44"
36" – 16 = 20" / 2 = 10"
44" – 24" = 20" / 2 = 10"
This 10" border for each side can be two 5" borders or three 3-4" borders. All strips can be different or same, 1 long or pieced.
This is like a giant log cabin block with the center the focal fabric.
If you have a serger, this is a good place to use it, as ¼" seam allowances do not have to be accurate.
Sew strips to each side, then top and bottom. Repeat. When finished, PRESS. It is just nine or 13 pieces and very fast.
To assemble, lay batting down smooth, lay backing on top, face up. Put top face down and pin baste around edgges. Sew ¼" from edge of top all around leaving a 6" opening. Turn right side out and quilt by machine or tie. Close opening.
›› Print These Instructions (in PDF Format) ‹‹.
Rag Quilt
These instructions are compliments of Elaine Jansen of Sewright in Bayside.
Thank you, Elaine!
- Sewing Machine
- Walking Foot
- Machine quilting needle size 90
- Thread: 40wt. Cotton (Mettler / YLI var.)
- Rotary cutter / ruler / mat
- Batting: cotton or thin poly
- Scissor (Fiskars softouch micro-tip recommended)
FABRICS: Yarn dyed woven cottons or cotton flannels work best (homespun, flannel, madras). WASH or NOT? If there is any question of color running — WASH!
- Baby Quilt: 30" x 36" (5 x 6); 30 pair (60 total) 7" squares = 3 yards
- Lap Quilt: 42" x 54" (7 x 9); 63 pair (126 total) 7" squares = 5½ yards
To calculate the amount of different fabrics needed, divide the total yardage by the number of fabrics — i.e. baby quilt: 3 divided 6 = ½ yard of 6 different fabrics.
- Baby: cut 30 6" squares
- Lap: cut 63 6" squares
- Cut fabric into 7" squares
- Cut batting into 6" squares
- Sandwich batting between fabric
- Sew an "X" from corner to corner. This completes the block.
- Sew blocks together using a zig-zag stitch and a ½" seam, to desired size.
- When size is reached, in place of a binding, sew a zig-zag stitch ½" from raw edge around the entire quilt.
- Snip raw edges on seams and border 1/8" to ¼" apart.
- Take the completed quilt to the laundromat and wash and dry. It may take two washings to completely the edges to your sasisfaction.
›› Print These Instructions (in PDF Forma) ‹‹.
Easy Lee's Quickie Quilts
Just sew strips of fabric either horizontally or vertically to desired size. Add borders if desired. Complete as in option "A" above.
Holiday Charity Stocking
Click HERE for pdf instructions.
Stuffed Animal Toys
We collect stuffed animals for the holidays to be distributed to shelters, etc. for children. Use any fabric you have to make the animals. We will collect the stuffed and sewn animals at the November and December meetings only. We cannot store these stuffed toys in any of our homes, so we will collect them as close to the holidays as possible. Eyes, nose and mouth can be either drawn on with a Pentel Pen or embroidered on the animal. No buttons, doll eyes, doll noses, please. If you have a piece of fabric left over that will make a nice stuffed toy for a child, please go ahead and make it — some child will just love it.
To download patterns (in .pdf format), click on the icon or link:
 Bear1 |
 Bear2 |
 Happy / Sad |
 bunny |
 Small dinosaur |
 Small Seahorse |
 Large Seahorse |
 Cat |
 Horse |
 Duck |
 Dog 1 |
 Dog 2 |
Blue Bird
Wheelchair bags

The finished size of the bag is 18" wide and 15" deep. A pocket on the outside is also a good idea. Use ½" seam allowance and double reinforcement. The handles finish to 6" (cut 12½"). Sew handles to the very edge of each side to hook onto the wheelchair handles. Any type of material can be used for this project. Material that is a little heavier would wear better. By doubling the length of the material, you will not have an extra seam.
›› Print These Instructions (PDF Format) ‹‹.
We also have patterns to print (in .pdf format) for wheelchair pockets and walker pockets. Select which instructions you wish to view:
Knitted and Crocheted Preemie Caps
Select which instructions you wish to download. The instructions are in .pdf format.
Drawstring Bags
Please print these Instructions (PDF Format)
Note: For Drawstring Bags and Stockings please use a HALF INCH seam allowance instead of a quarter inch seam allowance.
Pillowcases - Simple Burrito Method
Please print these Instructions (PDF Format)
Organizations Supported by Empire Quilters
Under Construction
Annual Service Reports
Annual Service Reports
To see reports of service activities, and lists of donors for various years, see the following pages:
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