2008 - 2009 Events
Welcome to the archives of Empire Quilters. All guild members are welcomed — and encouraged — to contribute to this page. We all have different experiences at guild activities, and we'd love to hear from you. Send information (and pictures!) to be included here to info@empirequilters.net.
For information on upcoming guild events, see the Calendar Page, and to see the projects that members shared at meetings, visit to the Show & Tell page.
June 2009
Posted: Jun 23, 2009 – The final official event of the guild's 2008–2009 season was a shopping excursion to Lancaster, Pennsylvania on Saturday, June 20, 2009. Here's the published pre-trip information:
- Date: Saturday, June 20, 2009
- Destination: Lancaster, Pennsylvania
- Departure: 7:00 am from the southeast corner of Eighth Avenue and West 31st Street, Manhattan
- Return: 8:30–9:00 pm (approximate)
- Cost: $58 members / $64 for non-members. Fee includes transportation only. You will purchase your own lunch/dinner (and fabric!)
- Reservations: A completed Trip Reservation form and payment in full must be received by June 13, 2009 (the day of our full guild meeting). Pay by cash, or check made out to Empire Quilters.
- Stops included (depending on time):
- Zook's — good selection of cottons, including Amish black. Website: www.ZandSfabrics.com
- Sauder's Fabrics — great prices and selection, this sister store to Zook's has a large selection of batiks for as little as $5.50 and some flatfold (no cuts) cotton yardage for $2.99. Specialty: backs, batiks. Website: www.ZandSfabrics.com
- Burkholder's Fabrics Website: ww.burkholdersfabric.com
- The Old Country Store — large selection of oriental and contemporary fabrics, and a wonderful quilt museum (People's Place Quilt Museum) on the second floor. For more information, visit The Old Country Store website.
- Bird in Hand Country Store — specialties: contemporary fabrics, cotton lames and jacket/purse patterns. Their website address is www.bihcs.com.
- Buffet dinner before returning home
Hints for better shopping … Wear comfortable shoes, and bring a bottle of water • We suggest you bring a brown bag lunch • All stores accept cash and major credit cards • While there are some gadgets and paterns, fabrics are the specialties of these stores • There will be a time limit at each stop, so have your wish-list in mind • And finally — Sign up early to guarantee your space. This trip always fills up quickly.
Thank you to Aleeda Crawley for the trip planning!
Our final meeting of the 2008–2009 guild season took place on June 13, 2009. The activities got off to a great start with a Members Flea Market. Shoppers were tempted with an everchanging mix of fabrics, notions and ready-to-use goods. Shoppers went home with some great deals, and sellers went home with some money to purchase more fabric!
Our business meeting this month covered the following items:
- 2009–2010 Programs — Program/Workshop Chair Mary Butler announced the various programs and workshops for 2009–2010, and it looks like we're in for another great season! See the Programs and Workshops pages for details.
- Block of the Month, 2009–2010 — The exciting buzz about the changes for the Block of the Month continued with a Powerpoint show on the September 2009 Block of the Month. Thanks to Empire BOM Squad Member Nick Alves for that presentation! Details about future Blocks of the Month can be found on the at the Empire BOM Blog: www.empirebom.blogspot.com .
- 2009–2010 Dues — We were reminded to pay our membership dues for 2009–2010. Members who joined in April 2009 (or later) are paid up for next year, but everyone else needs to renew their membership. We don't send renewal notices, so members were urged to take care of this on their own. No one will want to miss out on the activities lined up for next year.
- Changing of the Guard — Current guild president Jennifer Bigelow handed over the gavel to our new president Paula Kenney. Paula, in turn, presented tokens of appreciation to Jennifer for her incredible leadership over the past four years: Friendship Star blocks in Jennifer's favorite colors of orange and green. Members of the guild made plenty of blocks to keep Jennifer busy this summer assembling a beautiful quilt.
- Guild Archives — Guild Historian, Ann Foss once again encouraged people to write their quilt history, possibly as a letter to a grandchild or greatgrand. Please plan to turn in those stories at the September 12, 2010 Meeting.
Our featured program of the meeting was a report on the International Quilt Study Center and Museum by Lynne Grasz.
New-York-based Lynne Grasz took us through a slide show of Robert and Ardis James’ quilt collecting to endowing the University with their quilts, to creating a museum and acquiring other collections from around the world and outstanding examples. The Museum now has over 3,000 quilts from more than 16 countries plus a handmade doll collection and has entertained over 35,000 visitors in little over it has been open. Incoming quilts are held in quarantine to check for mold or bugs before being added to the collection. Opening day of the Museum, two elderly ladies came from Florida to Nebraska by bus, viewed the collection, and traveled back on the bus, not even staying overnight.
If you’d like to plan a visit to the Museum, Northwest, Delta, Amtrak and Greyhound will take you there. Plan to stay over — there are plenty of places to stay. Lynne encouraged people to visit their website: quiltstudy.org to see their quilt of the month. Lynne also thanked Empire Quilters for our donation of $500.
Other activities of the day included a beautiful Show & Tell segment, the June Block of the Month drawing won by Andrea Homer-Macdonald, and raffles — including a special raffle for Quiltopoly and books that Ms Grasz had brought from the Museum.
Quilter of the Month Ann Foss gave an inspiring presentation and as a thank you for the friendship and inspiration she’s received from Empire Quilters provided a bibliography of books that have inspired her and templates for some of the quilts she showed. Don't miss Ann's Quilter of the Month page. There you'll find a link to Ann's presentation — with the bibliography on page 4.
May 2009
Our May 9, 2009 meeting day started off early — 10:30 am sharp! — with a room full of people participating in a focus group given by award-winning quilter Lauren Dieterich. Lauren showed many of her quilts and talked about color selection. Topics covered included how to combine color and patterns to achieve balance and harmony, and what makes one color combination more pleasing than another.
It was just about standing room only for our guest speaker's presentation. Internationally acclaimed quilt artist Sue Dennis transported us to Australia via a fabulous slide show and many interesting stories of her life traveling with her geologist husband.
We saw beautiful views of the landscape, and pictures of Sue's quilts that were inspired by the exotic "land of extremes." During her many travels, Sue managed to continue to design and sew quilts. In those quilts, Sue portrayed the people who endured life in the inhospitable outback mining camps of the past, and she also rendered some of the historical objects that she encountered. She preserved some of the past by collecting old objects and using them to dye her fabrics.
Sue's work portrays the colors and feelings of the many "harshly beautiful" areas of Australia. She finds working with natural shapes satisfying. We saw "ant hills" (which were actually huge termite mounds!), bird tracks, rocks, mud, animal fur, opals and mining tools. She talked about her method of leaf rubbing.
We all came away with a better appreciation of Sue's work, and many of us were challenged to look around us with new eyes and to include part of our surroundings into our quilting — the people, the colors, the tools, and the climate.
For more information about Sue Dennis visit her website: www.suedennis.com.
Our brief — but important — business meeting this month covered the following items:
- Welcome and Trip Report — Guild president Jennifer Bigelow welcomed our new members and guests, and also gave an enthusiastic report of the successful guild trip to the AQS show in Paducah.
- Quilts for Homeless Veterans — guild member Lee Ebs reported about a homeless shelter for veterans located in the Bronx. Lee is spearheading an effort to make quilts for all 52 beds in the facility.
- Ways & Means — Ways and means chair Larry Gifford requested that members submit their ideas for fund raising activities for the 2009–2010 guild season. The annual december meeting usually includes a fund-raiser of sorts to generate seed money for the next guild show. Larry would like to get many ideas from members for fun (and profitable!) ways to generate funds for our shows. Larry requested that all ideas be submitted to him by the September 12, 2009 guild meeting.
- Quilt Stories — Guild Historian/Archivist Ann Foss reminded everyone that she is collecting their stories to include in a narrative history of the guild. She wants those stories — and pictures too, if you like! — by the September 12, 2009 guild meeting.
- Workshops — Workshop chair Mary Butler announced that the workshops lineup for next season (2009–2010) is shaping up nicely. Specifics will be posted on the website in June.
- New Slate of Officers — President Jennifer Bigelow presented the slate of officers and Committee Chairs for the 2009–2011 guild seasons. Those individuals were enthusiastically elected. The whole list can be found on the Contact page.
- 2009–2010 Block of the Month – New Block of the Month Chair Karen Griska was coaxed into giving a brief preview of what is to come next year. Karen's BOM Squad is already hard at work, and Karen has established a blog dedicated to the BOM. Everyone can follow their progress at the Empire BOM Blog: www.empirebom.blogspot.com
- Next Guild Raffle Quilt — Member Mary Cargill gave a preview of the concept for our next guild raffle quilt. Every year we think we can't possibly top the previous quilt, but it looks like we are once again going to create a show-stopper! We will be making an appliqué quilt featuring New York City subway motifs. All of us who frequent the subways are well acquainted with the mosaic treasures that can be found throughout the system. This will be our homage to those beautiful works of art. Stay tuned for updates on the progress.
There were many beautiful charity quilts turned in this month — thanks, everyone! Member Gail Malis de los Santos is shown here holding a quilt she made with Jamie Pittman. To see other charity quilts turned in throughout this season, visit the 2008–2009 Charity Quilts page.
Our Show & Tell segment and Mary Cargill's Quilter of the Month presentation were definitely highlights of the meeting. We saw so many styles and colors! Be sure to see those pictures.
The Library did booming business this month, and enthusiasm for purchasing raffle tickets continued well into the time when the winning tickets were to be drawn. Congratulations to all winners, and thank you to every member who donated an item (or two!) to the raffle.
A special item was raffled this month — a portable Janome sewing machine! Thank you to Naomi Shelnut for the generous donation! Guild member Fannie D'Avino was the incredibly lucky winner of that special prize.
We are always happy to welcome guest vendor Handloom Batik (www.handloombatik.com) to our meetings (pictured here, left). Proprietor/owner Usha Berlin is delightful to work with, and always has the most beautiful wares for members to purchase.
This month's Block of the Month winner was Mindy Wexler-Marks. A few of the nice Four Hearts and a Star blocks are pictured here (right), and the instructions can be found on the Block of the Month page for May 2009.
The final Share/Scrap table of the year consisted of about six tables piled HIGH with wonderful fabrics. There was enough for everyone who was searching for just the right thing to go home with plenty of fabric to keep them busy over the summer. We are looking forward to seeing these leftovers re-used and recycled into beautiful quilts. We'll be watching for them in next year's Show & Tell.
Workshop with Sue Dennis
The day following the May guild meeting, our guest speaker Sue Dennis conducted a full-day workshop on quilt design. It was a gentle class for those wishing to explore original design work — but who didn't know where or how to start. Participants were taught how to explore their artistic side. Use of color, design principles and cut and paste methods were explained before fabric was cut and fused into place. This was a fun, no stress day — a perfect way to spend the Mother's Day Holiday. Look at the beautiful results! Thank you to Mary Butler for the great photo of the workshop participants.
For more information about Sue Dennis visit her website: www.suedennis.com.
Quilting Demonstrations
The month of May got off to a beautiful start in a lovely setting. Empire Quilters members were invited to demonstrate the various aspects of quilting at the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum on Saturday, May 2, 2009. Guild members brought some hand work and some samples and chatted with museum visitors while working. The unique setting — the front porch of the museum was inviting and relaxing.
Members pictured below on the porch of the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum include Lea Williams Rose, Dorothy Arkell, Tina Barth and Mary Butler.
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Photos © copyright Lea Williams Rose |
For more information about the museum — which is the last remaining Dutch colonial style farmhouse in Manhattan — visit their website: www.dyckmanfarmhouse.org
April 2009
Reports from Paducah Trip
Quilt City, Here We Come!
by Aleeda Crawley
[Photos courtesy of Aleeda Crawley]
What an adventure we had in Dixie! On Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 37 of us set off from NYC to attend the American Quilter’s Society show in Paducah, Kentucky. This is the second largest quilt show in the US after the International Quilt Festival in Houston. The biggest worry, the length of the bus ride, was surprisingly, not a problem. We made frequent stops throughout the night, stopping Thursday morning for a hearty breakfast, which energized us. We stopped by our hotel, which was a shuttle stop, just down the road from Hancock’s of Paducah. We headed over to the Convention Center, the site of the show, and headed our separate ways. Some hopped on the shuttle and made a beeline for Hancock’s; others made the short walk (short for a typical New Yorker) to the National Quilt Museum, and a few of us headed right into the show.
LEFT: Detail of one of the flood murals; RIGHT: view of a stretch of the murals.
Paducah really is Quilt City USA. It’s home to both the American Quilter’s Society (AQS) and the National Quilt Museum year round. Each April, the entire city blossoms into one big quilt show, from the restaurants, to the mall. It’s the largest show in the area, bringing more than $20 million to the area. Hotels from 60 miles around are filled to capacity. To my great surprise, there were people who grew up in the area and had never been to the show. The town suffered a damaging ice storm in January, and we could see evidence of the damage wrought as we traveled along the highways. I was told that a lot of the repair effort was directed at the areas around the show. Paducah has lured a number of artists to the area, including Eleanor Burns and Caryl Bryer Fallert; I learned there is some friction about this practice. The shuttle service (which left much to be desired), stopped in the downtown area, at many quilt show satellite locations (there were vendors all over town, which is a large area), and everyone’s favorite destination — Hancock's of Paducah.
Let’s start with the show. There were 384 quilts on display; one piece after another of quilter’s eye candy, one more delicious than the next. I have been to many shows over the years, large and small, and I’ve noticed the constantly increasing number of art quilts versus traditional quilts. This trend has increased to the point of seeing fewer and fewer traditional quilts at the major shows. This was not the case in Paducah. The best in show quilt was an extraordinary work of art, almost more a tapestry than a quilt. The artist, an Australian woman, spent 18,000 hours making her prize winner. Far more of the pieces were traditional quilts. There was a good selection of vendors (400!). The big show days are Thursday and Friday. In comparison, Saturday’s attendance was light.
The National Quilt Museum (NQM) holds a breathtaking collection of quilts. As part of the best in show prize, the NQM purchases the piece, and to celebrate the anniversary, they hung the 24 previous winners. As an additional commemoration, they published a book showcasing all the winners, and had most of the quilters available to sign the book. I learned that the museum was the first building in the country specifically built to house quilts. I learned that Gerald Roy (of This Old Quilt fame) served as a consultant for the building. I learned that the museum is transitioning from the American Quilt Museum to the National Quilt Museum, hoping to expand both the facility and its services.
I’ve saved the best for last. There is no way to describe Hancock's of Paducah except to imagine a store the size of Costco, BJs or Staples filled with fabrics and quilting supplies. Everything in the catalog is in the store. There are actually two buildings, one with notions, patterns, quilting and home-dec fabrics (cleverly on sale during the show period) and a second with precut fabrics, and remnants. It was overwhelming, and several travelers went back for a second visit. Amazingly, the store was well-staffed, and you were waiting very little time before your fabric was cut and paid for.
We left Paducah very happy, although considerably poorer. After stopping for dinner, we made our way home. The trip was a must see for any quilter. Member Jackquelynn Jones had an opportunity to visit Caryl Bryer Fallert’s studio and shares her adventure as well. [See following article]
Trip Participants — Group Photo
A Visit to Bryerpatch Studio in Paducah, Kentucky
by Jackquelynn Jones
There were so many highlights to the Paducah trip. I am sure the 40 participants could each write a fabulous reflection. However, I wanted to share my high spot with my fellow Empire Quilters members. I visited Caryl Bryer Fallert’s Bryerpatch Studio, which is a gallery, shop, and workshop center. Upon entering I met guild member Mary Butler, and a bit later, Wendi Higginbotham and Jacqueline Johnson. Bryerpatch is located in the Historic LowerTown Arts District of Paducah dedicated to homes, shops, and studios of hundreds of artists.
The Studio was bright, warm and welcoming — so very reflective of Caryl’s hand dyed fabrics. Caryl herself greeted patrons and eagerly offered a tour of the studio, which is also her home. Each room is a work of art from the hand painted sky ceiling to her “stash room.” Not only were Caryl’s quilts on display, but pieces by other artists gracefully decorate her home. Two impressive examples were very early quilts by Hollis Chatelain. I was impressed with the lighting through the house, as well as the organized the working space throughout the house: everything is boxed and labeled in large, black type. Two very large design walls revealed a peek at Caryl’s latest design project soon to be available in all color ways in the fall. Benartex now reproduces her hand dyed fabrics.
After falling in love with the house, I later learned that Bryerpatch Studio offers workshops throughout the year by Caryl and if you are lucky you can rent one of the guest rooms at the studio. Bryerpatch is open for individuals, as well as for retreats. There is also a separate dye studio/classroom annex on the premises. My visit to Bryerpatch was truly inspirational!
Scenes from Paducah
Photos by Rita Reid
Rita Reid sent in the following pictures from the trip. What a magical place! The cow sculptures were covered with quilts, there were fairy tale carriage rides, a beautiful riverfront, good times at the show, and scultptures in front of the Quilt Museum.
Thanks for sharing the photos, Rita!
For more information on the places and people mentioned in the articles above:
- American Quilter's Society: www.americanquilter.com
- Hancock's of Paducah: www.hancocks-paducah.com
- Museum of the American Quilter's Society (National Quilt Museum): www.quiltmuseum.org
- Gerald Roy: www.pilgrimroy.com
- Caryl Bryer Fallert: www.bryerpatch.com
- Hollis Chatelain: www.hollisart.com
April 2009 Monthly Guild Meeting
It's a good thing that we quilters aren't shy — and that we have good eyes! Our general guild meeting took place on April 4, 2009 — in an auditorium at F.I.T. that had no lighting and no audio system! A true technical snafu at it's best. So our speakers had to PROJECT their voices so they could be heard, and we all had to squint to see the items displayed by our fabulous Quilter of the Month Naomi Shelnut.
Keeping quiet during our guest speaker's presentation was easy — we didn't want to miss a word of what Jennifer Chiaverini had to say! She was a gracious good sport while she read several passages from her writings and then took questions from the audience. Following her talk, Jennifer stayed for a long time signing copies of her newest book The Lost Quilter. Jennifer was among many friends, and we hope she will return to New York City soon.
Jennifer Chiaverini is the author of 14 books (to date). We all know and love the characters in her Elm Creek Quilts novels. Those novels are stories of quilters, of friendship, of families, and of personal challenges and adventures. For more information about Jennifer Chiaverini and her books, be sure to visit her website: www.elmcreek.net.
We had a fairly short business meeting this month. The items covered included:
- Quilt Show Follow-Up — Guild President Jennifer Bigelow gave a hearty thanks to everyone involved in the show. She reported that many individuals have complemented the guild on the quilts, the vendors, and the many friendly volunteers who helped people find their way around and answer general questions. Guild Treasurer Kitty Squire followed that with a report on the financial success of the show. We had approximately 2,200 visitors (which was about 600 more than attended the previous show), and the vendors were happy with their success — even in this difficult economic climate.
- Upcoming events— Mary Butler reminded the guild that we need quilters to help demonstrate quilting at the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum on Saturday May 2, 2009. Mary also encouraged people to sign up for the Sue Dennis workshop on Sunday, May 10, 2009. The workshop is designed to help us expand our creative horizons in our quilting. Mary also put out a request that we received regarding a quilter in St. Croix, Virgin Islands who is looking for quilters on that Island. If you happen know of anyone in St. Croix who quilts, let Mary know so she can help the quilters on the island find each other!
- Guild Trip to Paducah — The Paducah trip is sold out, and everyone is looking forward to the great adventure. The trip participants met after the guild meeting to go over last-minute details and arrangements. We're all looking forward to a report at the next meeting.
- Next Year's Meeting Dates — Jennifer Bigelow reported that all guild meetings during the 2009–2010 season will take place in our normal meeting location (8th floor of the David Dubinsky Building of F.I.T.) on the second Saturday of each month — except for the November meeting which will take place on Sunday November 8, 2009. Mark your calendars!
- Board Nominations — The slate of officers and committee chairs was approved at the morning's Board Meeting, and Jennifer Bigelow presented the slate to the guild. The list of nominations can be found on the guild website (on the Notices page) and the guild as a whole will vote to approve the slate at the May 9, 2009 guild meeting.
Naomi Shelnut was our Quilter of the Month — and what a presentation! We were sorry that the lighting wasn't better, but Naomi's personality truly lit up the auditorium and we were inspired by her "show must go on" attitude. Be sure to see some pictures of her work on the Quilter of the Month page.
Show & Tell this month included quilts with birds, wolves, rabbits, whales, pandas, windows, cars, shirt fabric, kaleidoscopes, and tributes to the Boy Scouts and President Obama — quite a diversity! We can always count on our membership to display interesting and inspiring items.
Many charity quilts were turned in this month. Pictures of our charity quilts can be found on the 2008—2009 Charity Quilts page. We were grateful that so many members found time to finish these quilts during the busy month of March.
We had many lucky winners of our monthly raffle — always a popular and fun activity. There was no Share Table this month, but the report was that we have a lot of items for our next meeting thanks in large part to our Donations Coordinator Diane Harris. Memberswere reminded to bring bags to stuff with fabric, and money to purchase some of the many items.
March 2009
This month is packed with special activities. On March 7, 2009 our general meeting was our annual Charity Work Day — and it was also Judging Day for our upcoming quilt show.
Members started arriving before 8:00 a.m. to deliver their quilts to be judged. The judging committee was already hard at work getting set up for the quilt intake, and for the judging process.
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The President's Challenge quilts were laid out for judging by Guild President Jennifer Bigelow (quilts below, left) while our show judges started their very long day. Our capable and pleasant judges were Sandra Dorrbecker (center picture below, left) and Mary Walter (center picture below, right). The full day was off to a great start.
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Meanwhile the other side of our meeting floor was buzzing with quilt making activities for our Annual Charity Work Day. Here are just a few of the many happy workers who participated — thanks to everyone! Be sure to view the finished quilts.
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›› View the finished quilts. ‹‹
Sunday, March 8, 2009 was another day with multiple activities. Everyone who had their quilts judged for the upcoming show arrived back at F.I.T. in the afternoon to pick up their quilts. Yes, we're all wondering what ribbons were awarded to what quilts! We'll just have to wait until next week …
And on the same day (March 8, 2009) a bus full of energetic members went to the Quilt Fest of New Jersey. This trip is always popular and is a great way to kick off the spring (the quilts, the fabric, the tools, the books …). We'll try to get a detailed report from one of the attendees.
Our 2009 Urban Inspirations Quilt Show took place March 21–22, 2009 at Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.) in New York City. It was a great show! Visit the 2009 Show Page for links to Show Information and Pictures of the Quilts!
February 2009
Our February 14, 2009 meeting got off to a colorful start with a focus group about Color for Quilters. A large group gathered and paid close attention to group leaders Sandra Cain and Diane Rubenstein as they discussed the color wheel, color values, color complements and color contrasts.
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The guild business meeting included the following business items and announcements:
- 2009 Quilt Show — Guild President Jennifer Bigelow welcomed everyone to the meeting with a reminder that we are five weeks away from our quilt show. Jennifer announced that ALL the quilts — over 200! — will be hung in the show, so members could plan to finish all their quilts and bring them in for judging (if they want their quilts considered for a prize, and if they had indicated that on their submission forms).
- Show Publicity —Pat Decker showed a bright and colorful poster advertising the show that was available for member to take and post in their neighborhoods.
- Show Volunteers —Volunteer coordinator Emily Klainberg announced that members would be hearing from the various committee chairs later this month regarding specific volunteer duties. More volunteers are always welcome, so everyone was urged to volunteer some time during the show (or to help with set-up the day before).
- Show Judging — We were reminded that show judging is taking place on Saturday March 7 (our general meeting day) and Sunday, March 8, 2009 Quilts are to be brought in at 8:30 am on Saturday so that judging activities can start on time, and they should be picked up on Sunday between 1:00 and 3:00 pm.
- Show Tickets Pre-Sale — Members will be able to purchase show entrance wrist bands at the March 7, 2009 guild meeting. We were reminded to please bring exact change or checks. The show entry fee is $10/day ($8 seniors) or $18/both days ($15 seniors).
- Show Boutique — Boutique chair Sheila Molitz reminded everyone that the boutique at the show will accept cash only. We will have a list of nearby ATMs for visitors who are in need of additional cash. The boutique will be charging sales tax.
- March Meeting Reminder — Our March meeting is scheduled for March 7, 2009 which is the first Saturday of the month. Not only is it quilt judging day, but it is also our annual Charity Work Day. Denise Walsh reminded everyone to bring some basic sewing supplies, their sewing machines if they can, and to come early so that we can make as many quilts as possible for the various charities we support. For the March meeting there will be no library, no vendor, no show & tell, no quilter of the month, no scrap table and no focus groups.
- Thank you — Denise Walsh read a very touching thank you letter from one of the shelters that received many of our December holiday gifts. We were very happy to hear that our efforts helped make the holidays a little happier for many needy families in our area.
- Bus Trips — Trip coordinator Aleeda Crawley reminded everyone about the trip to the Quilt Festival of New Jersey on Sunday, March 8, 2009, and she had some great news about the trip to the AQS Show in Paducah in April. Additional hotel rooms in the area have been found, so there are more openings for the trip and the overall cost has been lowered. Initial deposits were due at today's meeting.
- Upcoming Workshop – Guild member Naomi Shelnut announced that she will be conducting a workshop on making an Ethiopian Queen Doll at the Quilters of Color February 28, 2009 Meeting. Details about their meeting location can be found on the Quilters of Color website: www.qcnny.org
- Note cards — Guild member Shirley Clark has been hard at work creating quilt note cards that will be sold in the Boutique at the show. She had samples for people to see. Shirley is generously donating all of the profits from the card sales to the guild.
- Eyeglasses for the needy — Guild member Anna Foss reminded everyone that she is collecting used/old eyeglasses to donate to the needy. There is a collection basket on the table near the entrance to the meetings.
- Bylaws Change — Guild President Jennifer Bigelow introduced two changes to the bylaws that the guild Board of Directors had approved: First, in Section I, a temporary, 1-year extension in 2009–2010 is given to the terms of the Second Vice President and the Secretary to set the stage to stagger elections for the Executive Board. Second, in Section III Membership, text is inserted to more clearly state the consequences of having membership revoked when voted on by the Board of Directors of the guild. Both proposed amendments were approved by the membership.
Our "sparkling" speaker "bedazzled" all of us with her incredibly detailed and beautiful beading work. Nancy Eha has a passion for obsessively beaded art quilts. She believes that art is a journey — often a series of "what if" questions. Nancy is well known as one of the foremost experts in beading. She shared her ideas, told us how she got started, and encouraged us to be adventurous.
Nancy's presentation got off to a great start when she answered all of the most-often-asked questions — right up front! That informative session was followed by a slide presentation, and she concluded with the statement "to lead a creative life we must lose our fear of being wrong." We were honored to have her with our guild. If you ever get a chance to her Nancy, or see her work, don't miss it!
Nancy is the author of two must-have books for beaders: Bead Creative Art Quilts and Bead Creative Like Crazy. For more information about Nancy Eha and to see more of her incredible work, visit her website: www.beadcreative.com
Other activities of the day included a busy Guild Library and equally busy Vendor of the Month Sue's Fabric World, a small, but stimulating Show & Tell session, a terrific and colorful Quilter of the Month presentation by Jane Rosenthal, Charity Quilts turn-in, the Monthly Raffle (with some great prizes!) and last — but never least! — a scrap table heaping with treasures.
Meeting day was followed by two full days of beading workshops (Sunday and Monday, February 15–16, 2009, lead by February program speaker Nancy Eha. A large group of workshop attendees learned many of Nancy's tips and techniques, and went home with colorful and sparkly samples of many different beading stitches. This picture shows guild member Beth Pile hard at work on one of her pieces.
The first day we learned sticky lollipops, beaded coils, how to attach cabochons with beads and more! The second day we explored Nancy Eha's special discovery called Elevated Beading. We created a kaleidoscope (sample pictured left) with seed beads placed not directly on the fabric, but supported above the fabric surface for a textural 3D appearance. Look for many of these techniques to appear in future guild Show & Tell segments. Nancy Eha is a wonderful teacher — don't hesitate to take a class with her if you can! We hope she will come back again soon.
Nancy is the author of two must-have books for beaders: Bead Creative Art Quilts and Bead Creative Like Crazy. For more information about Nancy Eha and to see more of her incredible work, visit her website: www.beadcreative.com
On Saturday, February 21, 2009, Empire Quilters guild members were invited to gather at the Morris-Jumel Mansion at 65 Jumel Terrace in Manhattan to demonstrate quilting during the mansion's annual George Washington Birthday Celebration. Members brought some hand work and some samples and chatted with the visitors.
For more information about the Morris-Jumel Mansion along with detailed directions to their location, visit their website: www.morrisjumel.org
January 2009
Our first meeting of 2009 took place on January 10, 2009. We all kept a nervous eye on the weather — since they were predicting quite a lot of snow. It was a busy day filled with activities.
Several tables were set up for accepting our quilt show submission forms. We were pleased that so many members will be displaying quilts. It's going to be a great show. We had a corner of the room set up to take photos of quilts for members who didn't have the means to take their own photos — a great service!
Meanwhile in another part of the meeting space Janet Randolph (pictured here, right) was conducting a focus group on Quilter's Rulers 101. Janet really knows her stuff and she is always willing to share her tips and techniques. She is also a great teacher. We all learned how much more our rulers can do for us besides being simply a straight edge.
And there was yet another focus group taking place — the final meeting of members who were interested in selling hand-made items at the Boutique in the 2009 Urban Inspirations Show. Looks like we're going to have many splendid items for our show visitors to purchase to take home with them.
The guild business meeting covered the following announcements:
- Bus Trip to Winterthur — Aleeda Crawley reminded everyone about the January 31, 2009 bus trip to Winterthur. Because the weather is so unpredictable this time of year, Aleeda will call everyone the night before to confirm the trip
- Bus Trip to Paducah — Aleeda Crawley next announced that she is in the final stages of planning a trip to the American Quilter's Society (AQS) show in Paducah. The room buzzed with excitement! The details were still being hammered out (and will be posted when they are finalized), but the plan is to leave New York on Wednesday evening, April 22, 2009, travel overnight, spend two nights in a hotel, and leave Paducah late in the afternoon on Saturday, April 25, 2009, returning to New York City mid-morning on Sunday. Anyone interested in going on this trip was encouraged to let Aleeda know right away.
- Bus Trip to Quilt Fest of New Jersey — Aleeda is considering a trip to the the Quilt Fest of New Jersey, but because this show happens on same weekend as our guild's Charity Work day and quilt show judging weekend, the trip is a bit iffy. Information will be posted when available.
- Quilting Demonstrations at Morris-Jumel — Mary Butler reported that the Morris-Jumel Mansion has invited Empire Quilters to demonstrate quilting at their George Washington's Birthday Celebration on Saturday, February 21, 2009. There will be a day full of activities at the Mansion, which is located at 65 Jumel Terrace in Manhattan. The event runs from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. Members should bring some hand work and some samples and and will chat with the visitors. Members should let Mary Butler know if they will be able to attend. For more information about the Morris-Jumel Mansion along with detailed directions to their location, visit their website: www.morrisjumel.org
- Quilting Demonstrations at Dyckmann Museum – Mary Butler reported that we've also been invited to demonstrate quilting at the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum on May 2, 2009. Watch the Notices page for detailed information as it becomes available. For more information about the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum, call 212-662-7771 or visit their website: www.dyckmanfarmhouse.org.
- Welcome Members and Guests — We extended a hearty and warm welcome to our new members, and to the guests who attended the meeting.
- Guild Greeting Cards — Guild member Shirley Clark announced that she will be printing note cards with images from members' quilts and will be selling them at the upcoming Boutique at the 2009 Urban Inspirations Quilt Show. Shirley is generously donating the profits to the guild. Shirley will contact individual quilters if any of their quilts are to be included in the note card set.
- Classified Advertisements in the Show Program — Guild member Pat Decker announced that guild members can place classified advertisements in the upcoming Show Program for the nominal fee of $20. Complete information can be found on the 2009 Show page of this website.
- Show Posters — Kitty Squire announced that show posters and window cards will be available for members at the February 14, 2009 guild meeting. Members will be encouraged to distribute the posters to various locations in their own neighborhoods.
- Dear Jane Invitational — Jennifer Bigelow announced that the deadline for submitting an image of a Dear Jane quilt has been extended to January 31, 2009. Jennifer is working on a slide show of Dear Jane quilts that will play in the auditorium during our upcoming 2009 Urban Inspirations Quilt Show.
- April Meeting Location — Jennifer Bigelow announced that our April 4, 2009 guild meeting will be held in the Katie Murphy Auditorium at F.I.T. The auditorium's entrance is on the corner of 27th Street and Seventh Ave. The reason for the change of location is that we are expecting many guest visitors for that meeting. Author Jennifer Chiaverini will be speaking and signing copies of her newest book.
- Show Volunteers — Barbara Feinstein reminded everyone to be sure to submit a volunteer form for the upcoming show, especially if you did not indicate your preferred hours on the quilt submission form that was turned in today. Everyone's participation is needed and welcome. Volunteer assignments should be finalized by the February guild meeting, and committee chairs will be contacting the volunteers who will be assisting them. Anyone submitting a quilt in the show or selling items at the boutique are required to volunteer a total of four hours.
Our program this month was truly wonderful! We were entertained by the best comediennes in the City, we heard from a database expert about ways to track our inventories of books, supplies, tools and patterns, we were re-assured that pristine organizing is perhaps not for everyone, and we learned many many helpful hints about how to store things — without spending a lot! And yes, the presenters were all from our very own guild!
Program leader Anna Foss (above, left) listened as Judy Doenias and Diane Rode Schneck (right) read their Top-Ten Reasons for NOT wasting quilting time by trying to get organized.
After the laughter died down a bit, Aleeda Crawley described her fascinating (and efficient!) system of tracking her inventory on her PDA. Aleeda (pictured left) always has her list of books and tools and thread and patterns with her whenever she is shopping. Her ideas and her successes — she saves money for fabric by not buying duplicate books or tools! — inspired many of us to go home and start an inventory of our own. Aleeda uses a combination of Excel and Documents to Go by Dataviz to get the inventory to her Palm Pilot.
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Janet Randolph (above, left) showed how to make a sewing kit carrying case out of placemats. And Pat Yamin (above, right) was busy much of the afternoon distributing the many prizes.
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Meeting attendees received handouts with extensive notes from the meeting, a catalog from The Container Store, and many of us went home with boxes, and storage racks and clever organizing bins as prizes. Kate Iscol was awarded the prize for Best Organized guild member, and Beth Pile was the recipient of the Most Disorganized guild member. We all went home with our heads swimming with great ideas for how to get a fresh start in 2009 with our quilting — organized or not!
Hearty thanks to Anna Foss for creating this great program!
Following the program, the Block of the Month drawing was held —Rhona Triggs was the luck winner of the blocks. The instructions and template are available on the Block of the Month page if you want to make one of these Loving Hearts.
Then it was on to Show & Tell Don't miss the pictures! The pieces were great.
RaNae Merrill was our January Quilter of the Month. RaNae's work is incredible! Her spiral quilts are breathtaking in their complexity and beauty. She didn't want her quilts shown on our guild website, so we can't show them.
Other ongoing activities throughout the day included the Guild Library, the sales of Guild Collectibles and brisk business by our guest vendor: the ever popular Cultured Expressions (www.culturedexpressions.com).
The snow was falling quite steadily now, but the room was still full of members waiting anxiously for the always popular Raffle to take place and then the famous Scrap Table dash.
On Saturday, January 31, 2009 the guild sponsored a bus trip to Winthur Museum & Country Estate in Winterthur, Delaware (6 miles northwest of Wilmington, Delaware). The reports were unanimous that this trip is a definite do-again! trip. Private tours of the house and its extensive textile collection were the highlights, but just as fun was the day spent with fellow quilt and textile enthusiasts. Trip participants gave their hearty thanks to Trip Coordinator Aleeda Crawley for the efficient arrangements.
December 2008
Our December meeting took place on December 13, 2008. It was a day of giving and celebrating. We shared food, we finished up projects for our holiday charity donations, and purchased items at an auction. There were also bargains to be had a tables labeled $1, $5 and $10. Very few of us went home empty-handed.
Dozens of these adorable and friendly toy bears were made by guild members to be distributed to needy children in shelters and hospitals throughout the metropolitan area.
Early in the day an enthusiastic and dedicated focus group met to talk about the Boutique feature of our upcoming 2009 Urban Inspirations quilt show. The boutique will be filled with unique — and beautiful! — hand made items that quilt show visitors will be able to purchase.
Our business meeting was relatively short, and covered the following items:
- Bus Trips — Aleeda Crawley talked about our upcoming trip to Winterthur on January 31, 2009, and also a trip (in the planning stages!) to the American Quilter's Society Show (April 22—25, 2009) in Paducah, Kentucky. The possible trip to Paducah generated a lot of enthusiasm and many "oohs!" and "aaahs!"
- Upcoming Workshop — Workshop coordinator Mary Butler talked about the Sunday workshop with Anna Faustino.
- January Meeting — Guild member Anna Foss spoke about the January meeting. Is sounds like a fun and informative meeting — not to be missed!
- January Block of the Month — we were encouraged to make the January Block of the Month (patterns available at the Membership table and also on the Website.)
After the business meeting the auction got started! Guild President Jennifer Bigelow kept things moving with the help of member Michael Greenberg. There were valuable toys, beautiful hand made items, plants and quilts. As a special holiday highlight, there were several hand made Christmas stockings made by Karen Griska, Beth Pile, Pauline Hazard, Judy Isaacs, Millicent Lana, Lee Ebs, and Diane Rode Schneck.
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Some of our special holiday auction items:
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Meeting activities continued with a 50/50 auction — congratulations to winner Karen Monath! — and a fun and colorful Show & Tell presentation.
On Sunday, December 14, 2009, the guild presented a full-day workshop led by the ever-popular, multi-award-winning Anna Faustino. At this workshop — Diamonds in the Round — Anna taught the group another of her unique and incredible fabric weaving techniques. We can't wait to see some finished pieces at future meetings!
November 2008
We were pleased to see so many members at our November meeting. The meeting took place on Sunday, November 9, 2008 at F.I.T. The day started early with many members arranging their Flea Market Tables. The shopping was great! Members were willing to part with some very nice items for terrific prices! Here are just a few of the many enthusiastic vendors:
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At 1:00 pm the sales paused for our business meeting and monthly presentations. The business meeting included the following topics:
- Welcome! — Guild president Jennifer Bigelow welcomed members and acknowledged the many new members and guests who were attending the meeting.
- Volunteers Needed — We need some volunteers for the remainder of this season to organize the monthly raffles and lead the Show & Tell presentations.
- Officers needed for next year — Many positions on the guild's Board of Directors need to be filled for next year. In fact, the entire Executive Committee needs to be replaced: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Paula Kenney (our current First Vice President) made an eloquent plea, but admiring her words is not enough. We need a few people to step forward and help lead us next season. There are plenty of people willing to help in supportive roles, but we do need some people willing to take on some important responsibilities. The guild is a great group of active, creative, generous, and kind individuals. Leadership is an honor, and it is also a rewarding experience. Please contact Paula Kenney if you would consider taking a more active role in the organization.
- December Meeting Reminders — We were reminded to bring the following items to the December meeting:
- Quilting related items to sell at the Dollar Table
- Holiday stockings for Charity
- Stocking Stuffers (the details will be published in the newsletter)
- Snacks to share
- Items to auction
- Check books to purchase some of the items at the Dollar Table (and the auction items!)
- Plenty of Holiday cheer!
The items collected for charity (stockings, stuffed toys and other items) will be delivered to the Metro Family Shelter. The shelter has a combined Holiday party with other shelters, and there are many people who will have little (if anything) for the holidays. This is a very important activity for our guild, and we encourage members to do whatever they can. Every small gift counts! More details about the December meeting can be found on the Programs page. - Charity Items — Service Committee Chair Denise Walsh-Horowitz reported that we received a few completed quilts this month (which will be distributed with the Christmas items). Please keep working on items for the needy!
- Guild Items for Sale — Paula Kenney reminded us to keep selling the Broadway Jane raffle tickets. She also highlighted the various guild collectibles that are available, and suggested that many of the items make wonderful holiday gifts. (For more information about the various items that are available, see the Collectibles page of this website).
- 2009 Show Reminders: Volunteers — Show Volunteer Coordinator Barbara Feinstein reminded everyone to be sure to fill out a Volunteer Form so that the Volunteer Committee will be able to assign enough volunteers to every job. We want our show to be a pleasant experience for both the guild and the show attendees — and to do that we need lots of volunteers. Contact Barbara Feinstein or Emily Klainberg at volunteer@empirequilters.net if you have any questions.
- 2009 Show Reminders: Quilt Submission Forms — Jennifer Bigelow reminded everyone that the submission forms are due at the January 10, 2009 guild meeting. Quilts do not need to be completely finished, but the dimensions, title, and descriptions need to be finalized. A color photograph of the top of the quilt is also required with the submission form. If you can not take a color photograph, bring your quilt to the January meeting, and the guild will take one (photos will not be returned). Forms are available for download on the 2009 Show page. Contact Jennifer (via president@empirequilters.net if you have any questions.
- January 31, 2009 Trip — Trip Coordinator Aleeda Crawley spoke briefly about an upcoming trip. On Saturday, January 31, 2009, the guild is sponsoring a day-trip to the Winterthur Museum & Country Estate in Delaware. We will have a tour of the textile holdings of the museum. Trip details will be published in the December and January newsletters, and will also appear on the website when they are available. For more information about the destination see: www.winterthur.org. If you have questions, contact Aleeda.
- Upcoming Focus Groups — Focus Group Chair Janet Randolph asked for members willing to demonstrate various techniques in focus groups. Some of the upcoming topics include Color for Quilters, Quilter's Rulers 101, and Working with Shiva Paint Sticks. Details will be published when available.
- Member Announcement — Guild member Nancy Russell spoke briefly about the Stockbridge Ramsdell House in Newburgh, New York. It is a Bed and Breakfast that holds quilter retreats. For more information, visit their website: www.stockbridgeramsdell.com
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Philippa Naylor (left) |
Our speaker Philippa Naylor took us on a delightful journey from Saudi Arabia to England with her slide show and many fascinating stories. Philippa and her family traveled 10,000 miles through 13 countries in 11 weeks! She was quick to point out all the quilting inspirations that can be found wherever we look.
Once she was back home in England, Philippa gradually geared up her quilting studio, and we were very happy to see how she works. We were also lucky to see some of her award-winning pieces at our meeting! They truly are unbelievable.
We asked many questions, bought copies of her newly-released book Quilting in the Limelight: The Life, Art & Techniques of an Award-Winning Quilter, and inspected her quilts. On Saturday November 8, 2008 — the day before our general meeting day — eighteen members took a day-long workshop with Philippa. They learned some of Philippa's special techniques for finishing quilts. Reports from the workshop were glowing! Everyone learned new things to try on their next pieces.
For more information about Philippa Naylor and her book, and to see examples of her work, visit her website: www.philippanaylor.com.
Our Guild Library was another popular corner of the meeting room. We have an extremely dedicated Library committee that oversees our extensive collection of quilting books. Guild members are encouraged to look over the list of available books (see the Library page of the website), and contact the Library Committee with any requests for books.
We don't bring all of the available books to meetings, but there is always an interesting selection at the meetings, and any special requests. If you have questions, email the library committee at library@empirequilters.net.
Mary Ferry was the winner of the small (but nice!) collection of Blocks of the Month. A few of the blocks are pictured here. This activity is an especially good opportunity for beginning quilters, and we wish we had more participation. It is an exercise in color and fabric selection, template-making or paper-piecing, measuring, and consistency in your work. All of that can be learned by making just one block! If you haven't tried to make a Block of the Month — try! There is help available, and you'll be surprised at how much you will learn. More information can be found on the Block of the Month page.
This month's Show & Tell presentation was another terrific dose of inspiration, and Lauren Dieterich's Quilter of the Month presentation was awe-inspiring! Lauren has an uncanny sense of color. Her working palette is inviting, and warm, and bright, and fun, and calming — all at once. Be sure to view her presentation. We are so fortunate to have so many talented quilters who generously share their work with fellow guild members.
Raffles!! — Raffles are always a popular and fun way to wrap up the organized portion of our meetings. This meeting was no exception. Here's one of our lucky winners coming to collect her prize. The prizes are items that have been donated by guild members. Those donations are organized into packages by our raffle committee. Because they are donated, we never know what we'll be winning. But every raffle ticket that is purchased helps the guild pay for the meeting space rental, for the costs of printing of the various forms that go to the members, for the newsletter, and for the storage space that houses our quilt show supplies. We sincerely thank everyone who purchases tickets in support of the guild. No, we don't give away gold nuggets, but we do use every dollar that is collected with care and with gratitude.
This month's workshop took place the day before the monthly guild meeting. Philippa Naylor gave a workshop: Down to the Finish. Attendees at this practical workshop made a variety of samples including examples of beautiful mitered borders, contrasting fabric covered piping, the neatest double folded binding, a hanging sleeve and so much more!
For more information about Philippa Naylor, and to see examples of her work, visit her website: www.philippanaylor.com.
October 2008
Our October guild meeting took place on Saturday, October 11, 2008 at F.I.T. We had a great turn-out for the many activities that were going on throughout the day.
In the morning Janet Randolph led a Focus Group on making paper and fabric beads. The room was packed with enthusiastic members using glue, and fingers, and fabric. No sewing machine is needed for these easy and decorative embellishments. In the picture at right, the group's co-leader Floraminda Balmaseda is showing one of the attendees some of the many varieties of beads that are possible. With this technique, imagination is truly the only requirement.
Toward the end of the focus group, we saw many people wandering around with their creations drying on toothpicks that were poked into plastic trays. What a fun focus group!
In another room another focus group was also hard at work. This group was all about preparing for our upcoming 2009 Urban Inspirations Show — specifically the Boutique portion of the show. Boutique committee co-chairs Sheila Molitz, Dorothy Arkell, and Sonia Rieber talked with people about the kinds of items to make for the Boutique, and how to price those items. We're already looking forward to seeing some beautiful hand-made creations for sale to our show visitors.
We were delighted to have two guest guilds from the area participating in our meeting this month. Both guilds have quilt shows coming up, and both have beautiful raffle quilts. We were happy to have the chance to see these quilts up close — and to buy some chances to win them! Pictured here on the left are representatives from Village Square Quilters — who also happen to be members of Empire Quilters! Carole Hoffman and Sonia Rieber were selling tickets for the queen size quilt A Tisket, A Tasket. The Village Square Quilters Show is taking place in Hartsdale, New York on November 8–9, 2008, and more information can be found on their guild's website: www.villagesquaresquilters.com.
The other guest guild was Evening Star Quilters. Their guild's show is taking place in Mineola, New York, on the same weekend: November 8–9, 2008. That weekend is shaping up to be a busy weekend for quilting. Below is a picture of their stunning grand prize raffle quilt, and their friendly guild representatives (again, also members of Empire Quilters!) Susan Acevedo and Cathy Peterson. We were happy to host these two fellow guilds, and we wish them both lots of success (and fun!) with their shows. We also hope that many of their members will plan to come to our 2009 Urban Inspirations Show.
In another corner of our big meeting room, the October Library Book Sale was taking place. Somehow the library committee managed to bring stacks and stacks of magazines and books. Three tables were full of bargains. Purchasers went home with some great sources of inspiration, the Library now has some room for new books, and the treasurer has some cash to deposit in the guild accounts. Another successful activity where everyone benefited.
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Paula Kenney |
Moving on to the next area of the room — Show Committee Co-Chair Paula Kenney was supervising the distribution of Show Information Packets, and the sale of guild collectibles. The Show Information packet is full of important information about our guild's upcoming 2009 Urban Inspirations Quilt Show. If you haven't done so already, members should be sure to pick up their envelope at the November meeting!
We still have a number of items available that celebrate our guild's 25th anniversary milestone — including great bags and pins and lanyards. This year we're adding color to the mix with some bright and colorful items. There are mugs with a picture of our beautiful Broadway Jane quilt, striking bright green refillable mechanical pencils, and a rainbow of colorful T-shirts in Yellow, Pumpkin, Lime, Denim Blue, Sky Blue, Bright Red, and Cream. More information about these collectibles will be posted soon. All of these items will make wonderful holiday gifts, so plan to purchase several at our November meeting.
At 1:00 pm we found chairs and settled down for the the business portion of our meeting which covered the following topics:
- Welcome! — Guild president Jennifer Bigelow welcomed members and acknowledged the many new members and guests who were attending the meeting. She also welcomed our two guest guilds, and wished them well on their shows.
Guest Vendor — We welcomed guest Vendor of the Day Fiber Notion (www.fibernotion.com), pictured right. Their spot in the room was busy most of the day. They had a great selection of interesting items — many of them were perfect Holiday gifts!
- Budget — Guild Treasurer Kitty Squire asked for questions about the 2008–2009 guild budget that was discussed and distributed at the September meeting. The numbers are big, but all of the services and activities are important to our operations. The budget was passed by the membership.
- Annual Membership Directory — Kitty Squire announced that the annual Membership Directory will be prepared with information that is current as of the end of this meeting. Members who receive the monthly newsletter via email will also receive the Membership Directory via email, and copies will be available at the membership table during guild meetings. Due to postage and printing costs, no copies will be mailed this year. Members were encouraged to be sure to pick up their membership cards at the Membership Table (we do not mail out membership cards.)
- Charity Quilts — Service committee chair Denise Walsh Horrowitz reported that there were about a six quilts turned in at today's meeting. A few of them are pictured here. Members were strongly encouraged to spend some time working on projects for the many organizations that we support. There are, unfortunately, so many people in the Greater New York City area that are in need of care and comfort. Our handmade quilts go a long way to make them feel like they are not forgotten.
- Future Meetings — Ways and Means Chair Larry Giffordmade the following announcements about or next couple of guild meetings:
- November 9, 2008 — This meeting will take place on a Sunday and will feature a Members' Flea Market. Tables need to be reserved in advance. Details are available on the Notices page.
- December 13, 2008 — This meeting will feature an auction for which we need donations. Contact Larry if you have items to donate for this fund-raising activity. (email info@empirequilters.net if you need Larry's contact information.). The meeting will also feature a Quilters Dollar Store Table with quilting-related bargains for purchase. We're asking members to bring both items to sell at bargain prices, and to bring their wallets and checkbooks so that they can go home with some great items. We will also be conducting a Holiday Stocking/Gift collection. Patterns for the stockings and stuffed toys are available on the Programs page of the website. And yes, there will be food and beverages to help keep up our festive spirits!
- Raffle Tickets and Guild Collectibles — Show Co-Chair Paula Kenney announced that mugs, T-shirts and pencils were available for purchase at the back of the room (see paragraph above), and encouraged everyone to sell as many Broadway Jane raffle tickets as they could. Most of us are finding that the tickets are extremely easy to sell because the quilt is so unique and beautiful. Paula also reminded everyone to pick up their Show Information Packets if they haven't done so already.
Barbara Feinstein
Quilting Demonstrations — Guild member Mary Butler reminded everyone that Empire Quilters will be participating in quilting demonstrations at the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum on Sunday, October 19, 2008. It is a lovely venue and very satisfying experience. Bring a project to work on. We set up on the porch if the weather is nice, and we quilt and talk to visitors about quilting. What could be nicer! This event is part of the Uptown Treasures Heritage Tour, and our guild's participation is an annual event. For information about the Uptown Treasures Heritage Tour, visit www.uptowntreasures.org.and for more information about the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum, call 212-662-7771 or visit their website: www.dyckmanfarmhouse.org.
- Upcoming Workshops — Workshop chair Mary Butler talked a bit about the upcoming workshops. What a great lineup! Complete information is available on the Workshops page. Every member should plan to attend at least one workshop each year. They are an incredible opportunity to learn from a recognized expert in our field.
- American Folk Art Museum — Guild President Jennifer Bigelow reported that our quilting demonstrations at the American Folk Art Museum last week were a great success — and a lot of fun. Jennifer also reported that the Museum is considering an exhibit featuring quilts made today by local quilt artists (that's us!). Jennifer will continue working with the Museum on this project. Initial plans are aimed at a 2011 exhibit. Stay tuned for further information about this exciting possibility to showcase our art and craft. For more information about the museum, visit their website: www.folkartmuseum.org.
Sue Moats was our featured speaker of the day. Sue has been with the Sulky company since 1996. What a treat to have such an expert thread educator! Sue brought several informative handouts for us to take home and use as reference, and many samples for us to see up close. She passed around landscapes and embroidered items and vests. They all shimmered and sparkled. We were happy to see the many different effects that can be achieved with the different threads.
We heard tips on needles sizes and tension settings and bobbin threads for various fabrics. We saw many different techniques and Sue encouraged us to lay with our machines and their various settings. Sue answered questions about hand sewing, and how to wash our pieces (which soap to use, etc.) and which threads can be ironed.
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At the end of the presentation, several members received some great Sulky products as door prizes. Thank you to Sue Moats and the Sulky company for this informative presentation!
For more information about Sulky products and Sue Moats, visit the Sulky website: www.sulky.com.
After the lecture it was time for the Quilter of the Month presentation and Show & Tell. Judy Isaacs was the quilter of the month. Pictures of her inspiring presentation will be posted soon.
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Gail Sanders |
And there was another stellar group of pieces shown at Show & Tell. If you missed the meeting, be sure to look at the pictures.
Following Show & Tell, it was time for the monthly Raffles! Raffle committee chair Gail Sanders (pictured left) and her helpers were busy most of the day wandering around the room selling tickets for the terrific prizes. Tickets are just $1.00 and if you wear your name tag at the meeting you get an extra ticket. About 25 lucky members went home with some nice prizes. Thank you to Gail and her helpers, for your part in adding to the fun of the day.
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Sallie Nichols and RaNae Merrill |
The final raffle prize of the day was a special one. Empire Quilters member RaNae Merrill had a copy of her new book Simply Amazing Spiral Quilts. She donated one copy to our guild library, and offered another copy to the raffle. Sallie Nichols was the very lucky (and very pleased!) winner of RaNae's new book.
The final event of the day was the traditional dash to the scrap table where members can purchase small pieces (and sometimes large pieces) of fabric for their projects. We're always happy to see these scraps used in quilts and other hand-made items that are submitted to the Service Committee for distribution to the various charities we support.
On Sunday, October 12, 2008, a small group of quilters gathered for a day-long workshop led by Sulky Educator Sue Moats. We hope to see many inventive uses of thread in some upcoming Show & Tell presentations!
This busy month started with two events for guild members on Saturday, October 4, 2008.
The American Folk Art Museum celebrated the art of quilting with a weekend of workshops, lectures and demonstrations by metropolitan-area quilt guilds. Empire Quilters took part in the event by demonstrating various aspects of quilt making. The demonstrations took place on Saturday, October 4, 2008 from 11:00 am – 4:30 pm at the Lincoln Square Gallery Branch of the museum. The branch is located at 2 Lincoln Square (Columbus Ave at 66th Street). Volunteers from the guild brought work that demonstrated all aspects of our craft — piecing, appliqué, quilting, binding, etc.
This was a unique opportunity to show our art "in progress." Plus it was fun to meet people who have never been exposed to the process of making a quilt. Their curiosity and their questions were extremely gratifying. We never know how many soon-to-be quilters we will encounter! Other area guilds also participated in the demonstrations — making the day a perfect time to say hello to our neighboring guilds.
Also on October 4, 2008, a bus full of enthusiastic Empire Quilters members journeyed upstate to the Q.U.I.L.T.S. Autumn Inspirations 2008 Quilt Show in Schenectady, New York. This was a perfect autumn day for an outing! The specifics of the trip are available on the Fall Foliage Trip Information (PDF).
Our guild historian Anna Foss was on the trip, and here's her report:
Through Manhattan and over the bridge, to Schenectady we went … and whether we had to catch the 5:52 train or the 6:15 subway, it was worth the early rising. A nap on the bus since the foliage change doesn't start in earnest until after West Point at this time of year. Then we were treated not just to trees turned gems of topaz, garnet, ruby, and citrine, but barns, cows and horses — we're in the country!
Schenectady, derived from a Mohawk word for "on that side of the pinery" (a great quilt title), not far from Albany, had near freezing temps at 6:00am, but warmed up by the time we arrived. Held in a historic section of town, home to one of Thomas Edison’s laboratories which evolved into General Electric, the area is becoming an arts and entertainment mecca. The Q.U.I.L.T.S. show was held at Procter’s movie Theatre (rows of seats retract), offered 222 quilts, with art quilts and machine quilting as popular as traditional quilts; quilt block challenge celebrating their 25th anniversary using silver in each block; two featured quilters; and a dozen vendors. Their 2010 show will have even more space when the quilts will be mounted on the theatre stage, recently enlarged for Broadway shows.
If you didn't win their raffle quilt, A Walk Through Central Park (no kidding), you could buy a kit in the members’ boutique, aka quilters’ yard sale! Heaven! Foolishly leaving my wheelie home, I was handed a box to hold my boutique finds. A dozen magazines, and 14+ yards of fabric heavier and $40 lighter, I went off to lunch with my quilt-loving-but-non-quilter cousin, who joined us there. Some guild members went back more than once I'm told. Armed with a map of the area and list of eateries, we headed for a pastry shop nearby where we could sit and catch up over lunch topped off by a quadruple-threat-chocolate dessert: chocolate frosted, chocolate custard filled chocolate cannolli with chocolate sprinkles.
The day was over too soon, leaving so much more to see in the area, including galleries and shops, and Will Moses (Grandma M’s greatgrandson, also an artist) signing the latest book he illustrated. On the return home, 19 satisfied quilters napped or inspected their treasures (and cousin's home-made preserves). Outside the sun and blue skies looked down on a placid Hudson River dotted with sailboats and a water skiier oblivious to October winds. We topped this off watching Aleeda dash to catch the 6:11 with three minutes to spare — and did, by the skin of her teeth!
— Anna M. Foss
For more information about Q.U.I.L.T.S. Schenectady, visit their website: www.quiltsschenectady.com
September 2008
Our 2008–2009 guild season got off to a great start! The meeting was packed with enthusiastic members. Everyone was busy over the summer, and our Show & Tell segment was a show-stopper this month. Be sure to view all those beautiful items on the September 2008 Show & Tell page.
The business portion of our meeting covered the following topics:
- Welcome! — Guild president Jennifer Bigelow welcomed the membership back and acknowledged the many new members and guests who were attending the meeting.
- Guild Budget — The proposed 2008–2009 guild operating budget was available for members to pick up and study. The board passed the budget today, and the general membership will be voting on the budget at the October 11, 2008 guild meeting. The budget is also available on the Committees page of the website. Questions should be directed to guild treasurer Kitty Squire (email info@empirequilters.net if you need Kitty's contact information.).
Larry Gifford
- November 9, 2008 — This meeting will take place on a Sunday and will feature a Members' Flea Market. Tables need to be reserved in advance. Details are available on the Notices page.
- December 13, 2008 — This meeting will feature an auction for which we need donations. Contact Larry if you have items to donate for this fund-raising activity. (email info@empirequilters.net if you need Larry's contact information.). The meeting will also feature Holiday Stocking/Gift collection. Patterns for the stockings and stuffed toys are available on the Programs page of the website. And yes, there will be food and beverages to help keep up our festive spirits!
Aleeda Crawley
- Show & Tell — Guild website committee chair Cindy Russell talked about the Show & Tell feature of the guild meetings. People are encouraged to bring their work (limit 2 pieces per meeting), or to submit photos to be posted on the guild website. Contact info@empirquilters.net if you have questions.
- Quilting Opportunities — Jennifer Bigelowhighlighted three upcoming events for which we need participants to demonstrate various aspects of quilting:
- Saturday, September 20, 2008 at the Morris-Jumel Mansion
- Saturday, October 4, 2008 at the Museum of American Folk Art's Uptown Gallery Branch
- Sunday, October 19, 2008 at the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum.
Paula Kenney and Jennifer Bigelow
- Library Volunteers Needed — Library committee member Marilyn Korn reported that the guild Library needs a few more helping hands. Please stop by the library at a meeting and offer to help!
Emily Klainberg and Barbara Feinstein
Style – proportion – grid – scale – echo – contour – ripple – outline – miters – feathers – all this and more was covered by our special guest speaker Helen Squire. Helen entertained us while she taught us about quilting. We learned that what is "pieced together" should be "quilted together" and we learned the various ways to "lock in the fullness." Helen shared many tips about quilting styles and patterns, and illustrated her talk with beautiful quilts!
The stories that Helen told reminded us that it is the quilters, and the stories behind the quilts, that make quilting interesting and keep us hooked on the subject. One of her fascinating stories was about her recent involvement with the Zulu Sweetwaters Settlement. Fifteen quilters from America and Canada visited the new Zulu Quilt Centre when it was just being started. They donated three long arm quilting machines and several pallets of material and tools, and stayed for over a week, training quilters in advanced techniques. The quilts produced and sold by these Zulu quilters are a main source of their income. For more information about this endeavor, visit www.quiltsafaris.com and for some fascinating video documentary on the project, visit Linda Taylor's website: www.thequiltingschool.com.
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What a wonderful presentation! We are so pleased that Helen shared her day with us. For more information about Helen Squire visit her website: www.helensquire.com.
The next day (Sunday, September 14, 2008) Helen gave a full-day workshop on Quilting UFOs. We're looking forward to seeing the results from that workshop.
Marian Webber was our terrific Quilter of the Month. Marian has been a faithful guild member for many years and we were happy to see several of her quilts. View pictures of Marian's presentation on her Quilter of the Month page. Guest speaker Helen Squire was delighted to see Marian's Hawaiian Sampler quilt made from a Helen Squire Pattern that appeared in Quilters Newsletter.
While you're looking at pictures, don't miss the September September Show & Tell presentation. There were many beautiful works shown!
Our Vendor of the Month was Handloom Batik (www.handloombatik.com) — always a popular participant at our meetings. Many members were loading up with beautiful purchases.
Many members took time over the summer to make a Camelot / September Star Block of the Month. Twenty-one blocks were submitted, and Rhona Triggs was the lucky winner of all the blocks. Here are some of the blocks. If you didn't get a chance to make a block, the pattern and instructions are still available on the September 2008 Block of the Month page.
Twenty-five people went home with gifts from the monthly raffle, and we had a special auction of a donated piece of oilcloth.
The final event of the day was the annual first-of-the-season dash-to-the-scrap-table! There were many tables overflowing with mountains of fabric scraps. We are looking forward to seeing many of those scraps re-appear in charity quilts in the coming months.
The week following the monthly guild meeting, a group of Empire Quilters members took part in quilting demonstrations at the Morris-Jumel Mansion at 65 Jumel Terrace in Manhattan. The occasion was the annual Battle of Harlem Heights Remembered event from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday, September 20, 2008. Members brought some hand work and some samples and chatted with the visitors. Our guild's participation was ably organized by Mary Butler Thank you, Mary!
For more information about the Morris-Jumel Mansion along with detailed directions to their location, visit their website: www.morrisjumel.org
August 2008
The 2008–2009 guild season got off to an early — and fun! — start this year with a bus trip to Lowell, Massachusetts. Here's a description of that trip from our on-the-scene reporter Rita Reid.
"We arrived at Keepsake Quilting on Saturday afternoon and a shopping frenzy ensued. We had at least two hours of shopping delight which was hardly enough for me. There were fabrics galore and lots of books, magazines and notions, so every shopper had a chance to purchase something. As a bonus, Keepsake Quilting also gave each of us a free package of fat quarters. I even managed to go to the yarn shop and at least one other area store. We retired to the Marriott Courtyard in Nashua, New Hampshire, where we rested for the day ahead at the Lowell (Massachusetts) Quilt Festival. On Sunday, we started out early and arrived at the Tsongas Arena before the 10:00 a.m. opening. My group chose to walk over to the New England Quilt Museum where we also waited for the 10:00 a.m. opening. I had been to the museum last year, so I was familiar with the layout. I went upstairs to view the quilts and the went into its vast quilt library. The library will mail books to members and will also give you a tax receipt for donations of your used books and magazines. In addition to visiting the library there is a store, which had many many books, magazines, patterns and quilt-related items for sale. I quickly perused quite a few of the offerings, and bought a couple of books."
"We walked down the block to the Lowell National Historical Park which has a museum and store. After stopping to eat at a local restaurant, we returned to the Tsongas Arena around 12:30, leaving us about two hours to view hundreds of quilts and dozens of vendors. We accepted the challenge with glee. The quilts were marvelous, of course. I got many new ideas and took lots of pictures to refresh my memory after I got home. I supported as many of the vendors as I could, and I only stopped buying fabric because I didn't know how I would get it home. By 2:30, we were on the bus, and a few minutes later, we began our trip home. The monotony of the long bus trip was broken by the very challenging games (with prizes) that trip coordinator Aleeda Crawley provided. This was more fun than my trip to Aruba last month. I can hardly wait for the trip next year, (which should be longer!)."
— Rita Reid
- More information about the places listed above:
- Lowell Quilt Festival: www.lowellquiltfestival.org
- Keepsake Quilting: www.keepsakequilting.com
- The New England Quilt Museum: www.nequiltmuseum.org
- Lowell National Historical Park: www.nps.gov/lowe/
- Tsongas Arena: www.paultsongasarena.com