Service Report: 2008 - 2009
The guild's annual 2008–2009 Charity Work Day took place March 7, 2009. It was a fun and productive day. Members began working around 9:00 in the morning, and worked well past 5:00 in the afternoon.
›› Pictures of the 2008-2009 Finished Quilts ‹‹
We also dedicated a portion of our December 12, 2009 meeting to the collection and creation of holiday stockings.
›› Pictures of the holiday items ‹‹
Thank you to our busy guild members
Thank you to the following individuals for their generous — and beautiful! — efforts throughout the 2008–2009 Empire Quilters season:
- Catherine Bancroft, stocking stuffers
- Sherry Dawn Brown, 3 quilts
- Viola Brown, 1 quilt
- June Calender, 2 quilts and 4 teddy bears
- Paula Cruz, 3 quilts
- Mary Butler, fabric
- Nancy Castel, fabric
- Fanny D'Avino, 8 baby hats
- Lee Ebs, 1 quilt, 1 top, 1 back
- Laura Fandino-Swedowsky, 1 quilt
- Mary Ferry, 1 quilt and many stocking stuffers
- Marge Geary, 9 quilts, 15 tops and backs, and 27 stockings
- Brenda Gold, 2 Christmas stockings; 3 painting kits
- Joan Hellman, fabric, quilt tops and quilt backs
- Freida Hoyett, 4 quilts
- Barbara Hull, 1 quilt and 51 stockings
- Kate Iscol, fabric
Kate Iscol, 1 quilt
- Doris Julis, fabric
- Paula Kenney, fabric
- Judy Klein, 1 quilt and 17 stockings
- Marilyn Korn, 3 tops and backs
- Anna Krassy, 1 quilt
- Cheryl Kulakoff, 3 quilts
- Eve Lee, 2 quilts
- Susan Louis, 2 quilts and fabric
- Sheila Molitz, fabric
- Martha Phillips, 30 baby hats
- Judy Shapiro, 1 quilt
- Anna Sinitsyna, 1 top
- Beverly Smith, 1 quilt
- Sandy Syken, 10 quilts, 16 Baby hats
- Andrea Tebesceff, 1 quilt
- Anne Townley, 1 quilt
- Pamela Leonard Wexler, 5 quilts
- Mary White, 5 stockings
Charities Supported by Empire Quilters
Throughout the year quilts and other service projects are delivered to the following organizations by Empire Quilters. To view the current list of organizations supported by the guild, vist the main Service Page.
Empire Quilters Corporate Sponsors
The following companies are generous supporters of Empire Quilters. We appreciate their contributions, and their donations of fabric, services and supplies. Every donation helps our guild produce quilts for those in need, and helps us further the art of quiltmaking in our community.
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The City Quilter |
Laytner's Linen & Home |
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Marcus Brothers Textiles Inc. |
If you or your company would like support Empire Quilters in its mission of providing quilts for charities, and in furthing the art of quiltmaking in our community, please contact We will welcome your participation!
Empire Quilters also thanks its newsletter advertisers. Our current advertisers are listed on the Regional Resources page. If you or your company would like to advertise in our monthly newsletter, please contact The newsletter is sent to all of our guild members — and is a great way to reach the active quilters in the greater Metropolitan area.